Slice Of The Day: Kate Beckinsale

I feel bad for poor Kate Beckinsale. She’s been getting a lot of bad press surrounding her formerly flawless mamms, and to be quite honest, she doesn’t really deserve it. She’s had a kid, she’s entitled to have stretch marks and whatnot. Frankly speaking, she’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, on or off the screen, and the fact that she’s getting flack regarding some of her greatest assets just makes me a little frowny. …on the inside.

On the other hand, if you want to bash her acting abilities, go ahead. Ability-wise, the girl is a wooden post with legs. Look for her (or not) in The Aviator this weekend.

Kate Beckinsale's tits, in happier times.

Did you know that they’re making Underworld 2? What the fuck kind of blow do they snort in Hollywood these days, because I fucking want some. Anything that makes a sequel to that shitfest seem like a good idea should be up my nose, helping me to endure the flick when it hits theaters.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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