Slice Of The Day: Christine Taylor

I received a request from Joseph for a Christine Taylor slice, so I guess I’ve gotta deliver the goods. That, or not deliver the goods, but since she was in Dodgeball and on that show “Hey Dude”, I will oblige.

Christine Taylor

So alright, am I the only son of a bitch on the block that can not only remember the fucking “Hey Dude” lyrics, but is haunted by them? I literally wake in a cold sweat some nights, soaked to the bone and repeating in my head:

“It’s a little wild, and a little straaaaaaange,
When you make y’home out on the raaaaaaaaaange!”

Yippee tay yow what?

Someone please figure out a way to make my brain forget these stupid-ass things. Booze just ain’t cuttin’ it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. BAHIt signaled the end of my love affair with Nickelodeon. And it is earmarked by a theme song that I cannot remove even with a blunt object, repeatedly introduced to my cranium. Beleive me, Ive tried.

  2. Nice (o(o)The Hey Dude theme song never leaves your mind once it weasels its way in. This was evidenced last July when a friend of mine decided that repeatedly \”singing\” the Camp Annawanna song to the chicks on my boat would make them want to take their tops off.Or maybe it’s just proof that booze and Nickelodeon simply do not mix.

  3. Taylor SucksI forgot all about this lazy cunt until I saw Dodge Ball on DVD. This chick isnt even remotely hot, in fact her face is one big Indian Train Wreck! Hey Dude was the bomb, but I was in love with Kelly \”Brad\” Brown. You guys are FAGGOTS for liking Christine. Dorks.

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