Child’s Play

Alright, alright. I’m sure you’ve all heard about Childs Play Charity, and what the Penny-Arcade guys are doing for the kids in the hospitals. So with that out of the way, let’s break down what we’re doing in the forums to help out.

OK, so BAMF has made a contribution to Child’s Play, thanks in totality to the generosity of readers like yourselves. However, I know that some of you have been holding off on donating to them, or to BAMF, or both. Whatever. For this month, they’re going to be the same thing.

Every bit of cash we get through the forums (donations, subscriptions, etc) until Christmas is going straight to Child’s Play.

If you want to buy access, now is the time. Your money will be going to an amazingly good cause. And from now until Christmas, I’ve lowered the cost of registration to $5.00, to encourage you all to help out the charity. If you feel like donating more, go ahead. I included another box on the right, where you can donate whatever you want, and as long as its over the five bucks, you get access.

Just to help all of you bastards out, I’m allowing snail-mail donations. Make the checks out to BAMF Productions, and send them in to:

BAMF Productions
10965 Alderman
Tustin, CA

This is only gonna last until Christmas, kiddies. So if you want to help out, get on it now.

Now, as a special added incentive:

If you all raise another $500 bucks for Childs Play (which means 100 of you have to sign up) I will make with the greatest alliteration of all:

No Newbie New Year

If you guys reach the $500 mark from now until Christmas, I will turn off new user registration for all of January. We’ll ring in the new year with joyous silence of new voices.

Now, for a few ground rules:

  1. Yes, I’m serious. This is what we are doing.
  2. Plug other charities all you like, but don’t be bashing Childs Play or saying where the money ‘should’ be going, because frankly, I don’t care. To me, this is one of the more worthy causes, and that’s what we’re doing.
  3. I uh… yeah I guess thats it.

So anyway, good karma all around. Let’s see what we can do.

Merry Christmas, brothers in Jesus (or for Eyeke, John Smith)

So, if you’re looking to help out, register yourself a nice forum account and then go through the access page to donate. Or, if you don’t give a crap about signing up for the forums, why not just go ahead and donate straight to Childs Play?

Alright, enough of this human decency. It makes me itchy. Time to go lust after some women in the pie forum and slap around a few kittens.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Word.I’ll be sending you some cash soon Sharkey, more than for my forum access, this is a great idea. I’ve been wondering when you could hook something up for us non-credit card / pay pal having mofo’s. Plus that Eyeke shit was teh funnay.

  2. Donating via credit cardHey Sharley… Seeing as I am in Autralia and can’t add funds to my paypal account from a credit card or a non-US bank account can you accept payments direct form a credit card. If so can ya let me know how to send ya some money.Thanks.

  3. another good charitywww.lbeh.orgBring enlisted soldiers home for the holidays. Let’s Bring ‘Em Home pays for tickets for low-grade enlisted soldiers to get them home for the holidays. Unbelievable as it is, the military won’t pay for them to get home on leave.

  4. Joeeat my ass.:)I prayed, and Joseph said not to donate, these kids are faking sick, and going home in their escalades!

  5. SharkmanGood work dude..see i always said you kick big time ass….now you show it!!BadAss does BadAss things…. U Be Da Man.. Sharkman!!!

  6. Child’s playBy the way Sharkey, i know Penny-Arcade is talking about donations to child play, ( i think its child play). Anyways, its a great way to get your site a little more known, Talk to them , get them to post a link of your page, and there you go, a gazilion hits that day. Maybe hint to the suggestion that you both have the same goal, i dont know, you’re the master mind o_0. anyways, gl on that. i know your site is pretty good and that more people should know about it.Jas

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