1. Special feature or flaw?\”But you must take into consideration that other mobile phones, if close to the device, can activate it.\”

  2. fuck thatThis makes no sense. Is a phone ringing going to last long enough to make any woman climax? Fuck no. As if she’s going to sit in a restaurant, letting the phone ring, and just sit there eating her BigMac, having an orgasm… That’s just brilliant.

  3. genius faceoh brilliant one, maybe if you’d read the site anywhere you’d realise that the vibration lasts either the duration of the phonecall or 20 seconds for a text message.So, while a woman with a continuosly ringing phone sitting in McDonalds, eating her BigMac, would look stupid. A woman say… reading at home by herself getting a surprise call that then turns IN to an orgasm… well that might just be a good christmas present.Next time I reccomend thinking before typing. Trying asking yourself questions like, \”Do I know anything about the subject on which I’m about to be speaking?\”, or the more direct \”Should I be speaking at all right now?\”

  4. fuckin beautifulthis is nice, but I want to see the next level of development. i.e., the version that doesn’t require the target to put on/insert the device. imagine the hilarity that would ensue if you could just call a person through some special number which would, in turn, give the reciever of the call an orgasm.hmm…I think I have a new hobby to work on…

  5. VIBRAEXCITERIT WORKS GREAT – my girlfriend has one – also guys if your phone rings then aswer it as the device keeps going as long as the call is connected so you dont have to let it just ring

  6. VIBRAEXCITERIT WORKS GREAT – my girlfriend has one – also guys if your phone rings then aswer it as the device keeps going as long as the call is connected so you dont have to let it just ring

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