Unintentional Racism Kicks Ass!

Billy Ray gave me a call a little earlier, and mentioned the hostage situation at the Mexican consulate in LA. The guy was shot, and the hostages were let go, but there was something awfully funny in the foxnews article regarding the situation. Here, I will present it to you, by giving you the beginning and ending paragraphs of the article, unaltered. Enjoy.

First ¶: A man demanding media attention took a female employee hostage at the Mexican consulate Tuesday before he was wounded by police outside the building. The hostage escaped unharmed.

Last ¶: “I just dropped the tamales, and we got out of there,” she said.


Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Just another Day in LAThis stuff happens all the time…..Next week the Polish Consulate gets it…Humm, do we even have a Polish Consulate? If not we should line one up soon.BTW, Fuck Mexico…….

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