Slice Of The Day: Renee Zellweger

Man alive, so many movies that I’m just not going to see, containing slices that thankfully, we have right over at SOTD. Glorious, no? So instead of seeing Bridget Jones and the Edge of Reason (sorry to the taken fellas), try a slice of Renee Zellweger.

I'd like to introduce Bridget to my Jones. ...yeah. I'm on painkillers. They kill the funny too now.

I figure this is better than staring at Renee with the extra 20 lbs or so that she had to tack on for this flick.

And I swear, those extra slices will be coming tomorrow. It’s been a busy weekend. Busy with food poisoning and shitty golf swings, so far. KFC chicken has never failed me before, but goddamn did that box of popcorn chicken fuck me up yesterday. You know it’s bad when gastrointestinal woes will keep me from drinking plans. Usually its those drinking plans that cause the problems in the first place. At least, they will tonight.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. soI met this bitch, my pop’s doing some legal work for her. Just as hot as in the pictures, if not hotter. Had just lost the weight from this flick, and had brown dyed hair. She’s not one of those Brittney \”Uglyasfuckwithoutmakeup\” Spears girls, but infact pure hotness.

  2. Daaamn.I didn’t realize she put on weight for BJ’s Diary. (Haw). I thought that was how she normally looked.Awesome choice for the front-page photo, by the way. Out of all of them, you chose *that* one. Nice.

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