Slice Of The Day: Claire Danes

Remember Claire Danes? The chick from that “So Called Life” show, and most recently Terminator 3. I guess she’s going to be in this movie, It’s All About Love, which none of us should be forced to see. But we can still ogle her, because thats what we do around here. We ogle, and skip out of romantic comedies. Probably because most of us are fat dorks sitting in our momma’s basement on a Friday night drinking Yoo-Hoo. And by us, I’m really talking about you. You sweet lovable scamps.

Claire Danes. What the fuck happened?

EvilPoda dropped off a few awesome new slices for you guys, and I was hoping that the SOTD image processor would be back up and running so I could debut them there, but I may as well give ’em to you now. You’ve been so deprived, you poor bastards. Besides, it’s almost Thanksgiving. Time for the bounty.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Oh shit sonJust you wait, I’ll be on broadband soon – I’ll be uploading so much shit you’ll have to be running slices 2 at a time.

  2. Me likes…It wants to touch the preciouss, it doess. Touch it, yesss, and it will touch us as well…touch us and swallow and never be afraid of screaming, it will.

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