Fuck Your Humans, And Fuck Your Resources

In the past, when I worked for other companies, our human resources departments always seemed pretty fucking worthless. A sad little byproduct of a litigation-obsessed society. Now, apparently, some HR “organization” in Belgium is attempting to justify its existence by releasing the following mind-blowing report, which blows the lid off of sexual-incentive tactics in the workplace. Their findings: men are more willing to sleep their way to the top.

According to the Vacature poll — based on 12,078 Belgians interviewed — 12 percent of all men would be willing to sleep with their boss to try to advance their career, compared to only 1 percent of women.

What a waste of fucking time. They didn’t need a survey, nor did they need to publish thier findings. In fact, without money, time, or effort, I can completely broaden the context of this research. Watch, HR masters, and learn:

“Men More Willing to Sleep with Their Boss? Anything that Fucking Moves.”

There. Fixed. Now fire yourselves, you wasteful sons of whores.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. bullshitAlmost every survey, study, and report are all bullshit. They are a waste of money and resources.My favorite…the Canadain government paid over $100,000 to produce a study that found in grades 3-12, FAT KIDS GET PICKED ON MORE OFTEN THEN NON-OVERWEIGHT KIDS.Naturally, I was shocked at the results of that study.Wastefull bastards.

  2. no shitOf course more men would be willing to sleep with their boss. But they’re all fat, old, ugly dudes that won’t get action from their boss. So none of them actually sleep their way to the top.

  3. no shitOf course more men would be willing to sleep with their boss. But they’re all fat, old, ugly dudes that won’t get action from their boss. So none of them actually sleep their way to the top.

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