Bass Ackwards, Dummy!

Anybody hear this story about Paris Hilton getting booed off a stage while trying to sing onstage at some club? I bet ten bucks that if she’d released a new sex tape online about a week beforehand, not one motherfucker would have booed. Bitch needs a better publicist, in my opinion.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. New Video?Well I just heard today at work that Paris Hilton actually has released her third sex tape. The first one of course with that Salmon guy that was Doherty’s man, the next with her and Backdoor Boy Nick Carter, and this newest one apparently is supposed to involve her in a lesbian lovelock, her masterbating, and her getting double penned. As claims some guy on the net who claims to have an 11min long tape. All of this is unconfirmed as I havne’t found this new tape on the net yet, but thats what the latest rumor mills have turned out. Skanerific if I do say so myself. This slut is turning out to be a huge fucking whore. Porn stars do less work than her, get less screen time, and get paid for it too. Fuck…

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