If you could be a superhero

To be honest, I was completely and utterly remiss in not informing you all that Stephen Lynch had a live dvd coming out today. Well, now you know.

The dvd is entitled Live At the El Rey, and as the title implies, it’s a live dvd of Lynch, recorded at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles.

You can pick it up on Amazon for $11.24 right now. Granted, I got an advance copy from the unscupulous record shop downtown that pretty much dumps all their advance stuff into the dollar bin. Seriously, though, it’s well worth picking up. The facial expressions on Lynch’s face are priceless, and add a lot to the songs, and his material in between songs is fucking hilarious. All the favorites are here- “Special Ed”, “If I Were Gay”, “Best Friends”, “Superhero”… no “Lullaby” or “Special Olympics”, tho’.

As an aside, it’s nice to find some new material, like “Baby”, without it turning out to be a mislabled track off Kazaa. It seems that every “funny” song that people don’t know the performer of ends up getting labeled as Stephen Lynch or “Weird Al” Yankvoic. Just a minor pet peeve…

That’s it. No more smoking dope and trying to write updates.

Categorized as Music


  1. HilariousLynch is fucking hilarious, I am all about picking this DVD up with the quickness. I’m also all about picking up tickets to see him in December, that’ll be some good times.

  2. TourHe has come to within a decent drive of me ONCE. And that was an hour and a half away. Now he’s doing this tour with Mitch Hedburg, and it’s like the Kansas City area is poison to him.God, I hate the fucking MidWest sometimes.

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