Children Are Our Future…. Still Fucked.

Yeah, another one. This time from Baaron, who sent me a link about a British kid who raped and murdered his grandmother. Is it bad that we’re starting to get desensetized to shit like this?

A teenager today admitted raping and killing his 92-year-old great grandmother.

Jamie Limbrick, 18, had previously denied the murder and rape of Marjorie Davis between September 1 and 4, 2003.

Today at Bristol Crown Court he changed the rape plea to guilty and pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The pleas were accepted by the Crown.

What the Hell is this “diminished responsibility” bullshit? Did she have some sort of rape-induced heart attack? Did he accidentally burn the place down with a post-coital cigarette? Did… oh man. The horrific ways he could possibly cause an “accidental” death resulting from raping his grandmother has officially disgusted me.

Desensetized nothin’, I’m going to go vomit. Fuck the crown.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. pussies.We REALLY need in get the death penalty back up front here. It seems like now days you have to kill a entire school full of orphans to get the death penalty. Or offend a minority. Or harm a endangerd animal.course, it is jolly old england, I doubt they have the balls to bring back their hangin days.

  2. Reminds me……in Robocop 2 when Robocop tries to arrest the baseball coach with those violent kids. When I first viewed that i thought \”hey that could never happen\”….now I don’t know 🙁

  3. On the up side…At least the \”that’s what you get for having a damned seniors discount, bitch\” activity hasn’t spread to the U.S. yet. Disgusted as I am by rape in general, and elderly rape in particular, its comforting to know that I am not yet obligated to start executing children…even wrinkle-raping children.

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