And As A Parting Gift, A Copy Of Our Home Game!

Hey, just in time for the crappy Star Wars DVDs, you can go ahead and solidify yourself as a complete and utter dork.

Then you can go ahead and castrate yourself with a blowtorch, because you won’t be needing those genitals any time soon.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. eH?Damn, man….What’s wrong with the DVDs? I’ll take those over my VHS tapes any day of the week.Oh, and if a gang of dorks sounded off with any of that lame Rocky Horror shit in MY theater during *any* SW flicks, I’d put my boot in their ass.

  2. Wow…The only one of those that even got a twitch in my laugh zone was the \”Robot Roll Call!\” one, and that’s because I’m the biggest MST3K nerd ever.

  3. dvdsI don’t get what all the fuss is over the DVDs. So Han and Greedo shoot at different times now, so what? That scene isn’t what made the fucking movie. If it was originally done that way, you would still love the movie as much as you did before it was changed.

  4. DVDsIt’s not the added/removed content so much as it’s the *quality* of the content that’s there that makes me happy. I love SW as much as anyone, but those purists that com-fucking-plain over little shit Lucas changed just irritate the piss out of me.

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