Fucking Japanese Innovation

You all should know by now (if you read what I have to say, rather than skimming for titty pictures, that is) that I find the idea of the Nintendo DS touch screen to be absolutely retarded. Especially since I am a whore, and will buy the fucking thing the day it comes out. I’ve had a few people question my stance on this, and I have to admit that I still have a nostalgic Nintendo hard-on, so it is hard to hate anything that the bastards put out. But with the touch screen nonsense, they make it so goddamned easy. For example, here’s a snippet regarding the latest announced title for the DS, straight from Magic Box:

Here are some new images of Spike’s first Nintendo DS title Tendo Dokuta, an adventure game in which you play as a doctor named Tendo Dokuta, uses the touch screen to perform surgeries and examine the patients.

Yeah, great. That game sounds fun. Just like the idea of having my balls slowly crushed with a pair of vice grips.

I swear, if they fuck up the DS port of Goldeneye by making you have to use the pen to shoot or some ridiculous crap like that, I’m going to find someone, pry their mouth open, vomit into it, and shove them down a flight of stairs. I don’t care who, or if they had anything to do with it, they’re just going to be pretty fucking unlucky that day. So just a fair warning, it might be a good idea to avoid me until it comes out.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. yo bamfi didnt feel like searching for your email address…figured youd see this sometimes this year.anyway, you want to trade front page text links with twelvefifteen.com – pr6 site??let me know either way. later bamf

  2. Calling doctor six…I could’ve sworn there was a game like this for the Mac’s in the old days (circa 1994).I can remember performing brain surgery a lot and bieng demoted.

  3. WordI have your back on this DS shit Sharkey, they fuck this up, I will be your top general in the war to bring them down. Anything even involving the word \”stylus\” comes up with Zelda or Goldeneye and I’m offing an entire company, mark my words.

  4. phonyPSP? more like the Engage2. This game will probably never reach USA shores. Lets not be against a company trying something new instead of feeding us the same formula every gaming generation.Great Site, keep up the good work, god of the sharks.

  5. Trying Something NewRecognizing a bad idea when you see it is not the same thing as being against trying something new. This \”tap the screen to shoot\” shit that they’re pulling with Metroid Hunters is just an awful, awful idea and there’s no way around that.

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