OK, this story is both sad, and funny at the same time. Sad because children got pretty badly hurt, funny because the mother is the biggest fucking idiot I have heard of in… well a week at least. This is the internet after all, that’s a fairly distinguished title.

A mother, her one-year-old son and four-year-old daughter were critically injured after a mobile home in Barry County exploded.

Officials say the trailer park manager had a stove installed in the home, but it wasn’t hooked up properly and was leaking gas. The manager told 24 Hour News 8 that he wanted the woman to stay out until it was fixed. The manager went to go shut the propane tank off, and that’s when the woman lit a cigarette and the trailer exploded.

There must be some imbreeding involved here, because nobody is that fucking dense. Like I said, its a sad story, but what the Hell was the mother thinking? Probably trying to figure out who the father of her most recent offspring was.

My bet is a cousin.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. very funny, not sad.Dude, that’s not sad at all. Something was going to get those kids down the road. If the family can’t get the explosive gas concept then eventually a tornado or accidental gun firing is going to get them.

  2. the real story..Considering this happened near my home town as I understand it shes was walking out the door with the kids after being told to get out because of the gas leak and decided to light up.. BOOM.one kid has 90% of his skin gone.The sick part is the people who ran to help couldn’t tell who was the little boy and who was the little girl.I swear once the kids get heathly they need to be taken away from this retard.

  3. “You don’t get healthy after losing 90% of your skin.”You’re damn right… You get a good job with the carnival.

  4. Wait a minuteHold on… why is the sick part they couldn’t tell the difference?\”one-year-old son and four-year-old daughter \”They were one, and four. So if anything it’s sick how stupid they were they couldn’t tell the difference. Either one small 4 year old, or one big ass 1 year old, skin or no skin.

  5. kinda like…that’s about as idiotic as this:san mateo bridge the other day. heavy traffic. multi-vehicle collision, including a (mini?)van. kids in the back were not wearing seatbelts, and at the moment of impact, the two kids get thrown out of their seats, out the back window, and over the side. one child was rescued; the other was a 3-year-old boy. the search continues.

  6. Dude…that is such a gay story. and it all could have been prevented if only she didnt smoke….. LOSE THE HABIT STUPID! she’s smoked herself retarded apparently…..

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