I’m Not Only The President, I’m Also The Fattest Client

[ Diamond Divas Motorcycle Club ] – Wow. I love the brilliance of having the President (the biggest one) grow to double her size when you mouse over her picture. Also, I think that any parent who names their child “Quality” is begging for that child to be of great quantity. This site has living proof.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Now where…I’v seen some pretty f’d up stuff on teh inerweb, but Fat-black-women-on-crotch-rocket-bikes is new, and in a class all by itself. It’s like Sharkey just kicked over a rock and revealed a colony of insects unknown to science

  2. lol, yeaand once you do find it, why post itthat was crapbut not the good kind, please develop some sort of arithmetic to seperate the two

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