Hey Baby, Wanna Test Out My New Hardware?

I’m sure that you’ll forward me a lot of weird crap today, but this dude takes the fucking cake, and it’s only 10 AM. Dig:

A German who had his lower jaw cut out because of cancer has enjoyed his first meal in nine years — a bratwurst sandwich — after surgeons grew a new jaw bone in his back muscle and transplanted it to his mouth in what experts call an “ambitious” experiment.

According to this week’s issue of The Lancet medical journal, the German doctors used a mesh cage, a growth chemical and the patient’s own bone marrow, containing stem cells, to create a new jaw bone that fit exactly into the gap left by the cancer surgery.

They have pictures of the guy’s back, but none of his post-transplant face, which is what everyone probably wants to see, but shouldn’t.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. that reminds me…I don’t know where I saw this at, but I remember reading an article online about someone having a replacement penis grown on their forearm.Eli

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