Bing Bang, Walla Walla Bing Bang

LONGTIME just sent in a story about a charming Tanzanian fellow who went to a witch doctor, looking to get powers that would make him bulletproof. Maybe over in Tanzania they have SPAM that’s different than our standard P3nis P1lls and V1agra ads. Anyway, the guy’s dead. Darwinism wins again.

A Tanzanian who went to a witch doctor in search of the power to resist bullets and knife attacks died when ritual cuts made on his body proved fatal.

He was one of four suspected robbers from a village in Kasulu district in western Tanzania who visited the witch doctor on a quest for magic, the African newspaper reported Tuesday.

The witch doctor fled after the man died Monday from profuse bleeding, the newspaper said, adding that the three survivors were arrested when they went to a hospital.

If any of you have that God-awful “I saw the witch doctor” song stuck in your heads after reading that title, then my work here is done. I can’t suffer alone, you bastards.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. SongI always thought it was, \”Ching Chang, Walla Walla Bing Bang.\”I could be wrong.Also, damn you and your evil songs.

  2. noIt WASN’T in my head until you brought up it being stuck in my head. Oh well, it sucks bad enough that it’s already gone. *puts on some good music just in case*

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