Not That Theres Anything Wrong With That

[ Simpsons To Out Gay Character ] – Well, who didn’t see this coming? In a future episode, they’re going to spoof the whole gay marriage fiasco by making it legal in Springfield. Homer then rushes to get himself ordained over the internet. Dig:

While the evidence may point to Waylon Smithers, slathering lackey to billionaire Montgomery Burns, the producers warned against rushing to judgment.

Barney Gumble: Could his drinking be fueled by a love that dare not burp its name? Odds: 10-1.
Professor Frink: The town’s resident inventor could only love a Borg. Or a really nice George Foreman grill. Odds: 50-1.
Nelson Muntz: Beneath that bully’s exterior lies the heart of someone just waiting to grow into a bigger bully. Odds: 125-1.
Comic Book Guy: Everyone knows comic book geeks are babe magnets. Odds: 500-1.
Carl: What do we really know about Homer’s fellow nuclear technician? Not much – except he is inseparable from best buddy Lenny. Odds: 5-1.
Waylon Smithers: Collects Malibu Stacy dolls, favors cutoffs on his day off, lives in the gay part of town and has a crush on his boss. By “Simpsons’“ standards, this is circumstantial evidence. Odds: 1,200,037-1.

OK, so it’s not going to be the token gay character. Still, why theorize that it’s Carl? Lenny is the bottom of that relationship, especially after Mount Carlsmore. And the rest of the fellas have been seen in hetero relationships, so I’m going to doubt most of them. Lenny and Carl’s relationship is funny because its supposedly hetero, so taking that away would be stupid. I’d say they’ll make it someone that they can use the once, and not mention it very often again. Like Patty, Groundskeeper Willy, or the very obvious Sea Captain.

Wow. I feel like a big fucking dork right now. Awesome.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. jjJust face it, you ARE a dork. Writing profanity and posting pictures of (non-nude) females doesn’t change that fact.

  2. why a guy?Why not one of the few female characters? Patty or Selma maybe? or if we stick with the guys, why not the sea cap’n we all know what goes on deep at sea don’t we. Likely not a main character, probably a secondary character. Why not bring contraversy into play and have Rod or Todd pouding ass?

  3. Meh.It’s Patty, she falls in love with a female golf pro and Homer get’s ordained over the internet. Big plot twist at the end… I thought this was kind of old news?

  4. right…Come on, like you can’t tell it’s gonna be Lisa. She’s a super-liberal hippie vegeterian in little red Birkenstocks. She reminds me of all the lesbian hippies in Canta Cruz. I’ll bet she’s so deep in the closet that she’s finding the X-mas presents Homer was supposed to buy when he lost all his money at the dog track and came home with Santa’s Little Helper.

  5. Flanders or BouvierI vote for Flanders or a Bouvier sister. Flanders for the opening of religious parodies — which is something that the Simpsons of old may have done; but since jumping the shark I doubt so because it’d be too edgy. I put my money on Patty or Selma.

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