I Am A DVD Whore. …And A Regular Whore.

And being a DVD whore, as well as a Lord Of The Rings whore, I have to relay the following information regarding the Special Edition DVD to you. And if you don’t like it, just kind of fuck around for a minute, I’ll post some titties for you or something.

From TheDigitalBits.com — The set will feature more than 50 additional minutes of footage, including some 300 additional effect shots. Among the new scenes we were able to preview this weekend were: the final confrontation between Gandalf and Sarumon at Isengard, the “mouth” of Sauron at the Black Gate, Aragorn revealing the sword Anduril to Sauron’s eye in the Seeing-stone, the confrontation between the Witch King and Gandalf at Minas Tirith, more battle footage on the Pelennor fields, Frodo and Sam marching with Sauron’s forces disguised as Orcs, Faramir telling Denethor that he would never use the power of the Ring, Aragorn looking down upon a fleet of Corsair ships from a ridgetop, Faramir and Éowyn at the House of Healing, Merry pledging allegiance to King Theoden at Gondor, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli narrowly escaping an avalanche of skulls deep inside the Dwimorberg and MUCH more. From what we’ve seen, this final extended cut promises to be every bit as good as the previous two. We also learned that the set will feature more than 20 hours of supplemental content.

That’s not all. In addition to the 4 disc set, there will also be another special collector’s gift set, that will include the 4-disc Extended Edition along with a bonus DVD – Howard Shore: Creating the Lord of the Rings Symphony – A Composer’s Journey Through Middle-earth – and a miniature Sideshow/Weta statue of Minas Tirith, which doubles as a trinket box.

Man alive, that’s a lot of shit that I can’t wait to see. As a matter of fact, I was a bit pissed that a lot of it (with the exception of the ridiculous death of Sarumon) wasn’t in the theatrical version. The whole ending of the movie where the last of the survivors attack the orcs changes with the addition of the Mouth Of Sauron scene. And Aragorn revealing himself? Where the fuck was that? These are pivotal scenes in the books, but Jackson thought that we needed that time for more Liv Tyler (which I paradoxically love and hate) and five minutes of extra time so that the end could be in slo-mo most of the time. Personally, I wouldn’t have cared about an extra ten minutes if it meant I got a couple of additional missing plot pieces.


Alright, time to hang up my nerd hat and put on my pie hat. See you in a few, bitches.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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