It’s NOT Over, Prime!

where Steven goes off the fucking deep end like his pal George.Gentlemen, set your wangs to “splode.”

The toymaker Hasbro’s “Transformers” line will be hitting the silver screen.

Dreamworks, the film company co-founded by Steven Spielberg, will oversee the Transformers movie, scheduled for release in summer 2006. They’re calling it a “thrilling action adventure.”

Pawtucket-based Hasbro created Transformers in 1984. The product has expanded into a comic book series, a television program on the Cartoon Network and an animated feature film.

Hasbro will act as consultants to the film. Dreamworks will distribute the movie domestically, while Paramount will market it overseas. is reporting that this little bomb was dropped sometime during the Comic-Con this week. However, a quick search of the net turns up some older stories, which are now updated with the news that Spielberg is attached to produce. Whatever, I just hope it doesn’t fucking suck. And it would be nice if they found Lion and had them do the Transformers theme again, maybe some Stan Bush licks on the soundtrack.

And maybe not so much of this. (NSFW… I guess.)

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. OldUh, yeah, all the nerds have known about this for a year or so now. One of my friends knows some people at Dreamworks. The news I’ve heard from him seems promising. They’re not doing a cheesy kids movie, this will get a serious treatment. They’ve got some good writers and the basic approach is a serious story with first gen characters. I’m pretty sure the Binaltech line of toys coming from Japan are the designs that will be in the movie.

  2. I’ll only see this……if it is the old Transformers that we all grew up with. Seeing a live action Prime could be cool too. Seeing a live action Blaster, not so cool, but I’d still go to see it.

  3. you gotta be shittin’ me.awright fanboys, i was 16 when the animated flick came out. That soundtrack BLEW A GRATE DANE’S DICK 18 years ago, and it does even more today! Wanna do something that’ll be extra nostalgic, and have just the right amount of cheese? Get a techno ensamble to cover Mr. Roboto. If Spielberg’s getting his mits on it, its only because Cameron’s doing ALITA, and he wants to cash in on giant robots before it dies out.Scatman Carruthers might be gone (Bless his soul!) but how about Ossie Davis? Starscream’s tv voice might be silenced, but what about Tim Roth? A nice angle would be to get really wooden actors to interact with the life-like robos. Who’s a real wooden actor or actress? And no, Ron Jeremy doesn’t count. RON JEREMY IS MEGATRON.

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