Nothin’ Like A Nice Dump N’ Smoke

It’s sad to have to admit this on hump day. But apparently stupidity, like your mother’s herpes, will be with us forever. And today (or yesterday, to be more accurate) it manifested itself inside an outhouse. Walk with me.

A man is recovering from burns after lighting a cigarette in a portable outhouse in Monongalia County, West Virginia, causing the outhouse to explode.

The incident occurred Tuesday morning in Blacksville, West Virginia.

The man’s name and condition aren’t being released, but emergency officials say he wasn’t severely hurt and even drove himself to a clinic.

OK. It’s obvious we’re going to have to do something about our educational system, because if the tide of stupidity is left undeterred, it will wash our nation with its sticky, venomous spittle. I would not be surprised in the least if this moron decided to sue the makers of the outhouse for not providing proper ventilation. Or a no-smoking sign.

I like that they include the bit about how the methane “didn’t take too kindly” to the cigarette. *gasps* NO. This is one situation where putting two and two together is simple enough for a toddler. You don’t leave a ham sandwich (or a baby sandwich for that matter) on Harry Knowles’ desk, leave for five minutes, and then scratch your head when you find it missing.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I’m wonderingwhy you didn’t mention the fact that there is still an outhouse somewhere. I thought indoor plumbing was pretty much a given at this point.

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