Luckiest Sobbing Moron On The Planet

Remember Britney’s little adventure in marriage earlier this year? Of course you do. Well, even if the details of this article are untrue, its still a really fucking fun read.

“We were both hot so I led her into the bathroom. There was a huge shower head that sent water down on to us as though it was rain. We stripped off competely and got into the shower and Britney performed oral sex on me as the water ran down over both of us.

“The sex was mind-blowing and rough. We did it in every position you could think of. It was so wild we managed to fall off the bed together.”

She’s a beast, I knew it! You’re the man now, dog. At least, a stupid man.

“Her brother rang and I spoke to him. He talked about annulment. I didn’t know what the word meant so I didn’t say anything.

“It was unreal, I wanted the best for her, I wanted to be married to her, but it was as though they were just taking everything over. I was on my own. Britney didn’t say anything.

This guy is an idiot, for numerous reasons. First of all, he got to bang the living crap out of Britney Spears for days. He is one of a handful of fellas who’s seen her mouthify his wang. And now he’s bitching about how he didn’t get more out of the deal. That’s ridiculous. You were in Vegas, numbnuts! You hit a fucking jackpot and you complain that you weren’t allowed to let it ride? Yes, I agree, the compulsion to get more out of the situation is tempting, to say the least. But look at it this way: you got to do what every fanboy on the planet wants to do, and then some. You got to stay in Vegas on Britney’s nickel, whilst she was keeping your junk warm. And finally, you get to do all of this, media hooplah and all, and you don’t have to stay married to her. Yes, I realize you could have been banging her for the rest of your life, and you loved her and bla bla bla bla bla. Shut the fuck up.

You know why he’s golden here? He gets spillover bitches. Girls who recognize him as Britney’s ex-husband, and give it up to him just to get that much closer to the whole glitz and glamour lifestyle. He could have milked that for years, but instead he decides to go and get married again. Stupid bastard and his southern family values (which don’t stop him from discussing her sexual glory, even out of respect for his new fiancee, who must be thrilled). I wonder if Christina’s fellas are this fucking stupid?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Your E-mail Linky ThingThe box to drop you a link (the one that links from ‘Posted by Sharkey’ is broken. The code is all fucked up. I’ve got a link to send you that you might want to front-page, but … I can’t.

  2. Just goes to show…Comments to the previous were true…Britney is nothing more than media-glorified trailer trash. Too bad this guy didn’t have the sense to make the feeling last forever and videotape it. Course, that would mean Britney would have those spooky devil eyes.

  3. answer about “ass fuck”direct quote from page… a tad down it, bout halfway\”When she got back I was in the bath,\” he said. \”She came in, stripped off and got into the tub with me. First we were scrubbing each other. Then she got on top of me and we had sex. She was a natural, with the most fantastic a*** I’ve ever felt. She was proud of her body and she often just wandered around with nothing on.\” the most fantastic A*** I’ve ever FELT. well its not ASSS… so its the most… anal, anus? what?my money is on\”the most FANTASTIC ANUS ive ever FELT!!! with my cock. from the inside.\”gg britney, next question

  4. Oh dear…I’ve got to laugh at the dolts that say \”oh she’s just white trash\”She’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars, one of the most famous people in the world and she fucks like a maniac…. apparently. (okay there are a few pics of her looking a bit off, but who hasn’t had a bad pic taken? and when you add up the number of pics taken of her… well you do the math!)If that’s white trash…. where the fuck do i sign up for a trailer 🙂

  5. Whore.To quote a move that I rather like.\”She’s the richest woman in England! Of course she’s got the pox!\”

  6. fell off the bed?for crissakes I’d be doing more than falling off the bed, jeebus. It’d be chips dips chains and whips night at my hotel.Gotta have the midget in the gimp suit. It’s a must.

  7. British paperSo a glaring hint it could be fake is that they’ve spelt is ARSE, instead of ASS. Call me a skeptic…

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