MOTHER! …That Guy Hit Me! *sobs*

[ Glenn Danzig Gets Dropped Like A Bad Habit ] – was going to post this hours ago, but Gunner beat me to it in the forums. Now I will steal his stolen quote text as well. What are you gonna do about it, huh?

Bad show with Danzig last night. I posted this on before he tries to sue me for knocking him out. Read this and die with laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before crazy rumors begin to spread I would like to explain what happened:

North Side Kings were to play with Danzig last night in Tuba City, Arizona. To make a long story short the whole show was a disaster and a few bands got bumped off. Mr. Danzig (or his managment??) refused to push back the original scheduled time slot so North Side Kings and Rapid Fire would have to play “after” his set. Whatever- we agreeded to play later because we drove 6 hours and didn’t feel like going home without playing. Needless to say, as soon as Danzig was finished, the venue turned on the lights and Danzigs crew and the staging company began to take the stage apart almost instantly. I confronted Mr. Danzig backsatge while he was signing autographs and told him I thought he was an asshole because of his “rockstar” attitude and no consideration twords the FEW other bands that got bumped off tonight. In a fit of rage he turned around and slammed me into the wall yelling “fuck you motherfucker” trying to be a big toughguy in front of his fans. I -in self defence punched him in the face knocking him out as he was attacking me again. He went down, bleeding from his mouth, eyes rolled back, and in shock that he got knocked to the floor so quickly.

A friend happened to tape the entire incident and this is all documented. Many witnesses saw him attack me, and I did what any man would do. It was unfortunate that this went the way it did -and I hoped Glen Danzig learned a valuable lession tonight – Do not lay your hands on anyone unless you can handle what may happen. I aploigize for nothing, except for the poor little kids that had to witness this big asshole get his ass kicked in a matter of seconds…..

Danny M, North Side Kings

This video totally reminds me of that video where the kids are playing “Fight Club” and the one kids like “GO. GOOOOOOO!” and poof, his buddy knocks his lights out with one simple punch. Anybody want to submit me a link to that one, so I don’t seem like a stingy bitch with my video sharing?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Also…The real losers that night were the white trash hillbillies that actually went to see both of those terrible bands.

  2. sucker punchThat black fuck is a fagget, lol he thinks he is hard cause he punched some skinny arse white boy from behind then stand over him when he is punch drunk talking shit. What a fucking cock holster. Thats right A COCK HOLSTER

  3. Re: Fight of the Century\”I’m not the average mother ****** *****…\”Uh huh. Sure he feels tough for taking him down in one hit. But, he needs to keep in mind that he came up from just outside of his peripheral vision and hit him. Might as well have attacked a 92 year-old woman from behind, you’ll be successful in knocking out anyone in that situation.“HI. I ATTACK PEOPLE FORM BEHIND. IT MAKES ME FEEL STRONG. I JUST WISH I WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO LOOK THEM IN THE EYE WHILE I WAS DOING IT.”He’s homo. Homo to the max. Homotastic.

  4. wow.I like how when the white guy put his hand up the black guy slapped it away. real mature. Now that white guy will never turn his back on a black person again. I bet you a million bucks he becomes one of those rodney king cops.

  5. fucking moronsthis video makes me enjoy sitting inside doing absolutely shit when i could be out getting my ass beat by some cheapshottin ****** who thinks hes cool. goddamn loser

  6. wtf?cheap shot?!? wtf?!!? the guy pushed him and he came back with an answer with which any other man would. from behind !?! have you even seen the vid??! they’re exactly opposite each other, about 1.5 meter apart. too bad glenn is’nt just that fast.

  7. Ain’t the average muthaYeah, he may have knocked me \”da fuck out,\” but I swear to the feathery christ I’d hunt his darkened ass down and pay him back in full. Hate to see a cheap shot like that and then have the guy puffing up on his own bad-self like he’s goddamned mike tyson or something.

  8. Back in Alee-bamaHe’d already been swingin from a tree…Those were the good ole days. Now look at how things are now. Absolute chaos.

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