Slice Of The Day: Ashlee Simpson

I’ve had many requests for the annoying little sister of Jessica Simpson, so now you can all bask in her glory. Well, at least the spillover glory that she gets from riding the coattails of her big sister. Anyway, here’s Ashlee Simpson. Enjoy.

Ashlee Simpson. One step away from stardom, or one step away from soft porn. ....JINX!!!

Ashlee, in case you didn’t know, is starring in a show even more annoying than Jessica, entitled The Ashlee Simpson Show. Clever, eh? Just like her, if the entire world was one giant opposite skit from “You Can’t Do That On Television.” I predict her show will last about as long as a J-Lo relationship.

By the way, if any of you have excellently revealing pictures of Ashlee here, please feel free to send them to me. I will sit and imagine her and her sister in comprimising positions, and then eventually I will post them.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Wow…She’s hotter than Jessica Simpson. I say they dump that Newlyweds show and reruns and just have an Ashlee Simpson gangbang hour. With me….

  2. hmmis it just me or does she look more like another britney spears than jessica simpson? when i saw the trailer for her show (didnt know it was the \”ashlee simpson show\”) i thought britney’s little sister had gotten a show

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