And Life Is Once Again Whole

Almost 2 fucking year to the day, son! Floyd gives me a call last night, shortly after leaving the Gf’s 21st birthday party (time to rob a new cradle, she’s ancient now) to inform me of an interesting development in his grocer’s freezer. After all these years of searching, my dear friends, they have finally re-released Jell-O® Goddamned Pudding Pops. Now my first response was to tell him what a fucking liar he was, and that the streets would flow with the blood of his cold black heart for teasing me in such a manner. But then, not wanting to be hasty, I put my shiv down and took a stroll down to the grocery store. And what I saw brought a frozen tear to my eye, but that’s only because I had crammed myself inside the freezer so that I could get a little bit closer to these babies:

The quest has ended, evil has been vanquished, and I've got chocolate vanilla swirl. All is right with the world again.

Revel in the glory of this gloriously glorious day, or your life is forfeit!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Don’t start the party yet.I heard about this on the radio on the way into work this morning, and people were calling in to say they don’t taste the same like the good ol pudding pops we all know and love. Jell-O’s website has a recipe to make them though (minus the ice sheath which we used to scrape off with out teeth). The recipe is easy to follow…I did it, and I can barely make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  2. thus farthe vanilla ones tasted the same to me. next up is the chocolate. then the ultimate test of the swirl. im preparing mentally…

  3. Bought some last weekI was pleasantly surprised to see these bad boys chillin’ in my grocer’s freezer. The swirled are #1, followed by the vanilla, and then the underrated chocolate. You. Go. Buy. Now.

  4. !!!Holy Damns! I must obtain these vanilla treats IMMEDIATELY. This had better not be some sort of localized CA phenomenon…

  5. Yummy in my TummyI know how you feel Sharkey, I was always joke with my wife everytime we went shopping, im just gonna go look and see if they rereleased pudding pops, she would always roll her eyes and call me stupid. What did I find last week but these bitches sitting in the freezer, in your face! I about did a fucking river dance on my way to cash out, I bought 2 packs of these bitches and damn are they tasty as ever. The Choc. does seem to be a bit off, maybe I just like swirl and vanilla too much.good stuff though, glad someone else was excited about these puppies as I was.Darryl

  6. two things…number one: this fucking rules that pudding pops are back. deeeelightful!number two: holy shit, i just remembered that other people used to post on this site from following that link. ah, the good ol’ days. not that you’re not doin’ a great job of pickin’ up the slack around here sharkey.

  7. you fucking tardsgod damn, this is like the second god damn time i’ve had to post here on how retarded you all are. pudding pops never went away you fucking limp dicks. they just stopped carrying them in your local grocery store. what a bunch of dorks. while you fudge packers are scarfing down your poop sticks, toss a couple smart pills in for good measure.

  8. Is it me?or does everyone else feel the uncontrolable urge to impersonate Bill Cosby when you eat them?

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