The Olsen Twins Gain Millions, Lose Pedophile Fans

I hope you had a happy Olsen Twins day yesterday, because the insanely rich duo finally turned the legal age for the one thing we’ve all been waiting to see them do. That one sacred act that will bring them fully into womanhood: voting.

Better register now ladies, because you don’t want to be left out come November.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. AgreedYeah, I don’t think they’re particularly hot, either. Although I’m not gonna say they’re not bad… I think it’s mostly because everytime I see them, I think of the little babies from Full House; and that’s just not right.

  2. Dagnabit I want an edit buttonUm… typo in my last comment: \”Although I’m not gonna say they’re bad\” Die, vile double-negatives and past participles and lumpy cancer cells.

  3. I’de do them…..No offense but If you still see them as the little babies you need to grow up to. I grew up with them too and I watched as every one from that show grew older. And grew other thaings to I might add… but now I see them as what they are. Two RICH, almost hot, RICH, media giants that are RICH.

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