The Gipper Rides Off Into The Sunset

[ President Ronald Reagan Dies At Age 93 ]

The greatest President of my lifetime, and the first one I was really old enough to comprehend as the President. Ever since him, Presidents have been more subdued, and far less ballsy than this man. Can you imagine Clinton or Bush standing next to the Berlin wall shouting for the Russian government to tear it down? No matter how you feel about some of his policies, he was a great President. And he will be missed, if not for his actions, then certainly for his humor:

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it.”

Hats off to you, Gipper.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Reganomics?Dude, he left us with the biggest deficit ever. Whatever else he did, that alone to me means he was at best a mediocre president. I’ll praise the first president to lower the national debt significantly. 15% of our taxes go straight to interest on the nat. debt.

  2. RIPThe ONLY reason that he left you guys with a deficit was because of the war that was going on. He was a great prez.

  3. My 2 cents…….I might not have liked everything he did, but hey it’s my right to disagree cause it’s a fucking democracy. But the Democratic party owes him a shitload after he basically gave the right to a bunch of illegal immigrants right to become citzens. To all those people who registered as Democrats after being sworn as US citizens they best be glad of the Gipper, and better stop talking shit, cause thanks to him they dont live in fear just for walking outside (as they should be imo. Those people must have forgot it was a Republican president not a Democrat who made that shit happen. In the end every President that passes away should be given some fucking respect, cause for awhile he was in charge of the coolest fucking country on earth.

  4. gipperWhatever you wasps! Jesus. Any fricking president we had during the cold war did the same fucking thing. He might have been more aggressive about it and hastened the end of the cold war, but it would have happened eventually anyway. It was his callous disregard of the environment and cozying up to the Saudi family that pisses me off. Believe me, he has caused more damage to the lives of your grandchildren than your spoiled little rich white asses will ever realize.

  5. Hey JohnnyAny president during the cold war did the same thing?What about Jimmy \”Peanuts\” Carter?Respect your elders, little buddy. Old man Reagan might have known a thing or two.

  6. RIPJohnnyhounddog, why don’t you explain it to us spoiled little rich white asses, you hippy douchebag?The guy stuck it to the Soviets, pulled us out of Carter’s recession, and was making jokes hours after being shot by a nutless wonder like yourself.\”He may have been more aggressive … but think of the trees!\” If you have any room left after having inserted your head up your anus, you can shove your victimized socialism-for-all schlock ‘n’ shpeel right along in there.God, you reactionaries make me sick. I wouldn’t even call you liberals, as that implies a semblance of progressive thought. Anarchic, dope smoking, self-entitling pissant slackers is more like it.Rest in peace, President Reagan. Props to Hamilton, Lincoln, and TR if you see ’em up there.

  7. same idiots…Same people that praise Reagan are the same people that accepted every line of bullshit they learned in \”American History\” back in High school…I suppose nobody here even knows that our sending troops to northern Russia to support the Anti-Lenin movement during their revolution started those future \”Cold war\” sentiments from their side. Look it up peons. \”Oh I don’t understand why Russia hated us\”, god I get a laugh from ya’ll.I forgot, America is infallible, my bad… 🙂 Gonna go wave a flag now, wish me luck!

  8. YEAHwe should have just let them turn into a communist nation, then we should have given them our country. then they wouldn’t hate us…. as much. WTF?

  9. uhLike FDR’s \”New Deal\” didn’t turn us into a socialist state? Most of Europe is essentially turning into a large Socialist union anyway, which begs to question who really won the Cold war? Most of those eastern Bloc nations were better off under Soviet rule then under our IMF Rapist bankers…Look, I’m no commie, I’d support a McCain/Buchanan Ticket if they bucked their corporate party in a second, but history is there to be learned from, and your hero Reagan just kept the ball rolling on the American Empire, nothing special.

  10. Evil EmpireWe hated the Soviets because they were Communists. But let me guess, you’re one of those \”what’s Communism ever done to anybody\” tools, aren’t ya?Reagan may not have been the purest of heros – he gave arms to Iran and probably knew about those contra scum – but he was a strong leader with strong convictions who brought this country back to it’s proper role as *the* super power.Until one of you jackanapes can spell out how exactly he was a terrible president, I’m calling bullshit.

  11. alright then, here we go:Reagan sucked a fat cock as president, here’s why!1) Tried to cut federal funding for school lunches for the poor, even going so far as to have ketchup reclassified as a vegetable to save money.2) Attempted with all of his power to turn back social security and throw the elderly back into the poverty of olden times.3) Hated the poor. Worked as a hired gun for big corporations in the 1950s and argued against unionization. In office: broke the air traffic controllers’ union. Full determination to make sure that hte powerless would not be allowed to get a better deal in life, ruining a lot of lives.4) The Environment. Suggested that trees caused pollution, and if the ozone layer depleting was really that big of deal, then people should just wear sunglasses and hats.5) Cold War. Soviet defense spending was flat in the 1980s, they were on their last leg any way you try to look at it. But yet he still spent an ungodly amount of money on defense spending which put us in a deficit.6) Al-Qaida. Supported holy warriors in Afghanistan against the Soviets to the tune of half a billion dollars a year. Forced the Saudis to support them as well, making them a multibillion dollar a year organization. I wonder why the terrorists have such a huge power base now? Hmmm…7) Contra Scandal. Reagan’s people stole pentagon equipment, sold it to Iran, illegally took payment from Iran for the weaponry, funneled the money to rightwing extremists in Central America. Was exposed, then pretended whole thing never happened.8) Iran-Iraq war. Played both sides. Gave Iran aforementioned weapons AND gave Iraq the abilities to mass produce various nerve gas capabilities.9) His own fucking Alzheimer’s could probably be cured with some stem cell research, yet the religious right wing that supported him has put severe limits on such research.Not only are the extensions of his policies directly responsible for all of the problems currently facing our country, but the guy was just a total fucking douchebag.Game. Set. Match.

  12. Poor, simple Chad… You seem to be confusing Reagan with the party he represented. Reagan was a great man, even if he made some (huge) mistakes.

  13. hehKetchup as a vegetable … well that prick! Good riddance to his sorry ass.I’ll concede #7. The rest is just politics as usual. And don’t get me started on labor unions … those Bolshevik whores.

  14. …well can’t exactly argue that might doesn’t always make right with the likes of chubbywhatever the fuck, but the facts are very easily available if you bothered to look. Not gonna do your work for ya.And sure we hated the Soviets because they loomed as a possible threat to our status as superpower. The thing you don’t get is that Russians weren’t just born evil red bastards that hated us, there are reasons for it dating to our involvement in their revolution. Your type is the same that just doesn’t understand why them \”towel-heads\” could hate us good hearted americans, I mean afterall we buy all their oil right? We haven’t installed numerous bloody dictator after another (Hussein, the Shah, Mubarak, etc etc).Read up on your history and celebrate America for its possibilities and what we should be able to accomplish, not what we’ve done, cause its really not all that flattering.

  15. .02 cents (1980’s style)I remember when President Reagan was leaving office, and how much I thought back then that we were sunk. Why? Because this guy did it all. He made the point and got results. Also, I remember seeing that campaign ad with Dukakis riding that tank looking like a moron. That would be enough to think compared to Reagan there was no other.I remember as a wee lad I liked Reagan instead of Carter. I thought Carter was shady, and he still looks it, the more I think about it. In fact, I remember berating my mother (as small children do) when I found out she voted for Carter.On to other topics, it was never his or the founding fathers’ intention that the Fed Gov would pay people who were low wages. That’s something that snuck into the system and was expanded upon during the New Deal. That’s the way with most social programs. Re-evalute them and make them better. No one ever said the Fed Gov was an efficient institution.You get on a trip about Reagan being responsible for \”being against the unions\” unfortunately, these days unions have lost what the original intent was, to help out the worker. Don’t forget the ABC lists, and the mandatory dues used to fund political campaigns.

  16. Ah grasshoppaYour true colors emerge as you gracefully imply our culpability in the three thousand deaths of September the 11th …I blame Islamic fascists for 9/11. Yes, we supported the House of Saud, and by doing so were tacit in their original capitulations to the Wahabbi crackpots trying to foment civil war – but the link between our government’s actions in countering communism and the perverse nihilism espoused by bin Laden’s ilk is less than tenuable.We didn’t create bin Laden. We were merely a host to his parasitic nature for a time when his agenda and ours ran parallel in hating the Reds.And bullshit on installing Hussein. That hairy bastard got his dividends through old fashioned treachery and Stalinist tactics.\”Not gonna do the work for you\” … should I assume your kind ever does any to begin with?\”Read up on your history and celebrate America for its possibilities and what we should be able to accomplish\” … and where exactly did that \”bridge to the future\” get us, oh Utopian-Idealist? Tell that shit to the people of Rwanda.

  17. Nice VocabOur actions countering communism were using our free-market enterprise to crush the supposed people-first government subsidized industrial powerhouse that Russia was. Which actually created the mujahadeen that we now know as those loosely based groups that form the Al-Queda. They were the most effective investment the CIA has made in 30 years, until it came back and bit us in the ass.Perverse Nihilism? Whats a perverse form of extreme skepticism? Believing that our current course of action in alienating the world is a good thing for keeping our country safe from terrorists? Keep thinking that until a White or Asian person is strapped with explosives. This is not Utopian thinking, the more of them we kill, there are 10 more inspired to kill themselves to fuck us up.Good luck in your bubble by the way, and be sure to support either of the Yalie assholes running for office.We created

  18. poorFuck the poor.The less money the gov spends helping their needy asses (just because they refuse to get some education or a better job) = the less taxes people have to pay.Now follow me here..the less taxes people have to pay = more money to spend = better economy.Case closed.

  19. Peace in the Middle EastWell this is a different conversation then, Dews.A stable democracy in Iraq would be a windfall for our geo-political interests in the Middle East. Broad access to Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, plus the oil, plus the first Arab democracy (the Turks are Persian), and all done after taking out that donkey screwing Hussein and his bastard spawn.The bomb-strapped fruitloops will exist as long as Wahabbi imams spout their garbage in places like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Both countries have realized this and are now taking corrective steps to ammend these asshats.We didn’t invent terror. We didn’t start this war. And Iraq isn’t the pointless clusterfuck the media makes it out to be. If you don’t believe me, ask the UN. They too believe democracy is possible in Iraq. Such would be in keeping with the absolute best interests of the United States. Only with a powerful sphere of influence over the Middle East can the War on Terror be achieved. Sucking the teets of France, Germany, and Russia would only have made them richer on Saddam’s blood money while we dicked around playing wack-the-taliban in Bumfuck, Afghanistan. And don’t worry, bin Laden can’t be enjoying life on the run in a hellhole where even Pakistanis are afraid to go. As the saying goes, he can run but he’ll only die tired.Once Iraq is stabilized (in, say, late 2005 … can you possibly wait that long for an entire nation to reinvent itself? hmm?), we can then squeeze the collective balls of the Axis o’ Evil – meaning Syria and Iran – with Iraq as the fulcrum of their despair.North Korea is another matter … one to frighten your proverbial grandchildren should those bitches ever put their money where their mouths are. Thank you, President Carter! I’m sure the Japanese, South Koreans, and even the Chinese appreciate your Nobel winning nuclear generosity with those assholes.

  20. Omg who pulled out the Social Security argument????\”(President Ronald Reagan)Attempted with all of his power to turn back social security and throw the elderly back into the poverty of olden times.\”Yeah.Here is a new idea for all you lovers of Social Security, it’s called a bank account. Save the shit your own self you fucking pussies.

  21. Is it just me…or does \”I’m not going to do your work for you\” usually mean \”I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. Pretend this insults you.\” ???Props to the Gipper, sad to see him go. Alzheimers (sp?) is hell. No one deserves to go that way. Now can everyone just stop spouting their political bullshit and give the fucking former President of the United States a minute of silence? For Christ’s sake. How pissed would you be if you had a family member die and then everyone started shouting \”fuck him, he sucked anyway.\” Goddamed idiots.

  22. OMG I SHOULD HAVE READ THE WHOLE POSTLol!\”The Environment. Suggested that trees caused pollution, and if the ozone layer depleting was really that big of deal, then people should just wear sunglasses and hats.\” comes the science, beeyotch.

  23. Ahh! Not science!Science is like kryptonite to environmentalists.Your better off just pretending they know what they are talking about and walking away, explaining science to a environmentalist just gets them to attempt insult you.

  24. Ignorant fucks…You ignorant assholes wouldn’t know science if it bit you in the ass. You can find any shady-ass study that \”proves\” anything just by looking around on the internet for five minutes. Try taking time to learn something for once. I’m not trying to elevate myself or show off, just trying to prove a point, but I’m a math and physics major and I would also consider myself an environmentalist. I also no a TON of people in the biology department, and they are all environmentalists. The only people who think that protecting the earth is a waste of time are the uber-rich fuckheads with a personal interest in the matter… and the ignorant dumbasses they seem to so easily manipulate. Burn in hell, fucking rednecks.

  25. Amazing\”I also no a TON of people in the biology department, and they are all environmentalists.\”Cool. At least you don’t \”yes\” them. But on a lighter note, no one I know wants trashed air, trashed earth, trashed water. Everyone is an environmentalist in their own way. But when the environmental movement is hijacked by wackos such as Julia \”Butterfly\” Hill and the like, then this movement becomes nothing but a wierd new-age hippie neo-socialist movement. Why do we have to rely on a failed governmental doctrine for this? \”Big Corporations\” which are the bane of all greens and anti-progressives know what people want. Less pollution, more efficiency. Let the free markets figure out what’s best. You can make a difference to the environment with your wallets.

  26. Research beyond Fox News…\”I’m not going to do your work for your\” meaning nobody gives a shit (obviously) in this country for the where and why’s of what we’re involved in. If you want me to give you a rundown it’d be just as biased as any rehashed shit you get shoveled to you from the likes of O’Reilly and Limbaugh.Do your own reading, develop your own fuckin opinion, that’d be about the only thing seperating you from the trailer trash waving flags cause \”Thats what good americans do\”.Done with you ignorant fuckwads, get up to speed on the history of our foreign policy, then we can chat.

  27. Wow…So instead of having people come up with a certain conclusion on their own, it must be O’Reilly and Limbaugh \”parroting\”? I don’t think so. If you take a historic look at the U.N. (defender of free nations, supporter of democracy worldwide), you’d see that they are a worthless institution. We presented them with the details about Iraq’s violations of their own resolutions and they sat back. They sat back while Rwandans were getting limbs torn off by machete-wielding gangs. What is this institution good for?BTW, love the ad hominem attacks. Keep em up.

  28. WowIce and Corinthian can suck my poor white dick. Social Security kept food on my table when I was a child and government funding payed the first year of school so I could earn my scholarships. Funding to the poor is money well spent. Better we give it to a poor lazy bitch with 10 kids than some elitist rich fucks like you. I pay for my own college now and I dont have a daddy to turn to everytime I want something. Eat shit and die you fucking scum.

  29. hahai figured this would be a big argument post so i’ll just leave my fav. quote from him i heard the other day:Regan: do we have more guns then them (the russians)Military: noR: do we have more missiles then them?M: noR: do we have more ships then them?M: noR: what do we have more of them?M (jokingly): money, hehR: thats it then. we’ll win this war with money.

  30. Shhh…You all need to take your shut the fuck up pills. This is Bamf not if I see \”Chuppecabra\” misspell his name one more time I’m raping his eyesocket with his own fist. It’s \”Chupacabra\” the Spanish word that translates to \”Goatsucker\”, the name of the mythological beast.

  31. Here You AreHere’s a list of Reagan quotes that I think everyone can enjoy.Now, I’m not happy that the guy is dead- but let’s not drink his piss and call it apple juice.\”Facts are stupid things..\” —Reagan, ’88 \”…a faceless mass, waiting for handouts.\” —Reagan, ’65, describing Medicaid recipients.\”Because Vietnam was not a declared war, the veterans are not even eligible for the G. I. Bill of Rights with respect to education or anything.\” —Reagan, ’80\”Taxes should hurt. I just mailed my own tax return last night and I am prepared to say ‘ouch!’ as loud as anyone.\” —Reagan, ’70, after approving California’s largest tax increase in history. Reporters soon pointed out that Reagan didn’t pay a cent on state taxes that year. For all his talk about shrinking government, California’s state budget more than doubled under his governorship, from $4.6 billion to $10.2 billion. \”I know all the bad things that happened in that war. I was in uniform for four years myself.\” —Reagan, ’85, justifying laying a wreath at a Nazi cemetary in Bitburg. Reagan spent WWII in Hollywood, making films. \”They haven’t been there. I have.\” —Reagan, ’85, justifying his policies on Nicaragua. Ronald Reagan had never visited Nicaragua.\”They have eliminated the segregation that we once had in our own country…\” —Reagan, ’85, praising the government of P.W. Botha in South Africa, during the height of Apartheid.\”I cannot recall anything whatsoever about whether I approved an Israeli sale in advance or whether I approved replenishment of Israeli stocks around August of 1985. My answer therefore and the simple truth is, ‘I don’t remember, period’\” —Reagan, Feb. ’87 \”Mr. President, why don’t we openly support those 7,000 guerillas that are in rebellion rather than giving aid through covert activity?\” \”Well, because we want to keep on obeying the laws of our country, which we are now obeying.\”\”Doesn’t the United States want that government replaced?\” \”No, because that would be a violation of the law.\” —Reagan, ”87. At the time of the press conference, the U.S. was giving the indiscriminately murderous Contra guerillas covert aid, in direct violation of the law. Reagan’s lie was so obvious that members of the press corps laughed loudly and openly at his statements.\”A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.\” —Reagan, Mar. ’87\”If the question comes up at the Tower Board meeting, you might want to say that you were surprised.\” —Reagan, ’87, accidentally reading the notes for his stage directions aloud which told him to act surprised should the issue of arms-for-hostages come up.\”They are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers.\” —Reagan, ’85, referring to the brutal Contra rebels in Nicaragua, who indiscriminately attacked civilians. \”…an example to the world of the ideals we hold most dear, the ideals of freedom and independence.\” —Reagan, ’85, praising the Afghan Mujahaddin. These \”freedom fighters\” included prominent leaders of Al Qaeda, such as Osama Bin Laden, as well as many of the leaders for the Taliban.\”Hollywood has no blacklist.\” —Reagan, ’60. FBI records have since shown that this was a lie, and that Reagan personally informed on several actors, later shown to be innocent, destroying their careers in the process. \”I would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.\” —Reagan, ’66\”If there has to be a bloodbath, then let’s get it over with.\” —Reagan, ’69, prior to having national guard soldiers break up a peaceful protest on the UC Berkeley campus. The protesters were teargassed and fired upon with buckshot, killing one protester and wounding at least 128 others. \”… a tragic illness.\” —Reagan, ’67, desribing homosexuality. When two of his aides were found to be gay that year, he asked for their resignations.\”Maybe the Lord brought down this plague [because] illicit sex is against the Ten Commandments.\” —Reagan, ’89. Reagan didn’t even mention AIDS until 1987, by which time it had spread into the heterosexual population and over 25,000 Americans had died.\”What we have found in this country, and maybe we’re more aware of it now, is one problem that we’ve had, even in the best of times, and that is the people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice\” —Reagan, ’84.\”For the first time ever, everything is in place for the battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. It can’t be too long now. Ezekiel says that fire and brimstone will be rained upon the enemies of God’s people. That must mean that they will be destroyed by nuclear weapons.\” —Reagan, ’71\”It’s silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking strips on it, and be home by Christmas\” —Reagan, ’65\”Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.\” —Reagan ’81 \”A tree is a tree. How many more do you have to look at?\” —Reagan ’66, opposing expansion of Redwood National Park\”I have flown twice over Mt St Helens out on our west coast. I’m not a scientist and I don’t know the figures, but I have a suspicion that that one little mountain has probably released more sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere of the world than has been released in the last ten years of automobile driving or things of that kind that people are so concerned about.\” —Reagan, ’80. At its peak, Mt. St. Helens released 1/40th as much sulfur dioxide as cars do every day. \”All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.\” —Reagan, ’80. (In fact, a single nuclear power plant can produce up to 22,000 cubic feet of of radioactive waste per year.)\”There is today in the United States as much forest as there was when Washington was at Valley Forge.\” —Reagan, ’83. The US Forest Service estimated only about 30 percent of forest lands of 1775 still existed 208 years later.\”80 percent of air pollution comes not from chimneys and auto exhaust pipes, but from plants and trees.\” —Reagan, ’79

  32. *grin*Wildabeast, I know how to spell goat sucker, but why bother if it can distract people? And I wouldn’t be flaming if some around here weren’t such pillow biters while disrespecting the passing of a presidential badass.And Dews, I don’t watch Fox News – too amateurish. CNN has the pleasing women folk anyway. Maybe you could use to stay away from indymedia and the democraticunderground for a change instead. That kind of misguided vitriol will rot your brain.But hey, ketchup as a vegetable… don’t let the Man get you down!

  33. Great Man, Great LeaderSay all that will about him, theres shit on every president. But Sharkey said it best of all he was the first one I was really old enough to comprehend as the President. And yes he was ballsy. If he was President after 9/11 we would have bombed them on the 12th. NOT flown known terroist family memebers to safety.

  34. 10 kidsIf the woman has 10 kids, I’d hope by the 3rd she’d realize she needs to keep her legs closed and that she can’t AFFORD any more. Hell birth control is cheaper then kids are. I’m sorry, but when 11 year old girls are being told by their mothers they need to get pregnant soon so they can be set for life on welfare then yeah it pisses me off. So does any story where the mother has a ton of kids just because she can’t go to the public health care center and get something done about not having another one.President Carter was just too damn nice. (This is from personal experience with him.) He didn’t want to be the bad guy, didn’t want to hurt anyone and as such it was too hard for him to make the hard choices. Great guy, just not a guy that should have been President.Trina

  35. 10 kidsIf the woman has 10 kids, I’d hope by the 3rd she’d realize she needs to keep her legs closed and that she can’t AFFORD any more. Hell birth control is cheaper then kids are. I’m sorry, but when 11 year old girls are being told by their mothers they need to get pregnant soon so they can be set for life on welfare then yeah it pisses me off. So does any story where the mother has a ton of kids just because she can’t go to the public health care center and get something done about not having another one.President Carter was just too damn nice. (This is from personal experience with him.) He didn’t want to be the bad guy, didn’t want to hurt anyone and as such it was too hard for him to make the hard choices. Great guy, just not a guy that should have been President.Trina

  36. bah, welfareWelfare is a joke. At least food stamps go for… FOOD. Giving away free checks is a stupid fucking idea. Disability is one thing, but when you’re entirely capable of working, you shouldn’t be sucking greenbacks from the teat of the government.As for social security, well hey, you know what you ought to do? Plan your own damn retirement. If you can’t do that, maybe you don’t deserve to retire so lavishly.He helped Afghan soldiers. Of course, he wanted to curb the spread of the Soviet Union. Besides, how was he to know that they would turn against the US in the future? If it were my choice, I would flat out say no to foreign aid, but it wasn’t. And if I had to choose, I’d stop the Soviets.Yeah, Reagan did some shady things, but for me, it’s easily overshadowed by his handling of the Soviets.As for forming my own opinion, what does it look like I’ve done? I don’t watch FOX news or CNN, hell I barely watch the local news. Usually I check news feeds from AP or Reuters, or I go read the paper.

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