CFFA – Cartoons For Fucking Adults

Wow second post already. And guess what, it’s about cartoons again. For those of you who love Adult Swim but want some variety, you should check out TNN. First we have Ren and Stimpy’s Adult Party. Which is funnier, grosser, and more disgusting then the first one. Gary the Rat, voiced by Kelsey Grammar, who plays a lawyer that got turned into a rat. And last but certainly not least, Stripperella, which stars Pamela Anderson as a stripper/crime fighter. Not only is it funny, but it was created by Stan-the-fucking-man-Lee. Grab yourself a six pack or a bong, whichever your drug of preference is and enjoy some pretty funny and original cartoons.

Categorized as Rants


  1. The old ranters didnt always rantThe old ranters didn’t always rant, I’m not always going to be bitter about something

  2. my adviceNever care about the feedback. The rant page is like a blog. Don’t feel like you have to bitch about your latest fast food/retail store/mall/parents/job happenings. Just prove you are a good writer. And if you aren’t, swear and add pictures.

  3. Well..You can use the excuse that the old ranters never posted real rants…but look at where they ended up, yo.By the way, Striperella is the suck. Everything else is great though.

  4. in responseI remember the rants section not having any new rants for about 9 months and it seemed to be due to Sharky not wanting it, not because the rants sucked. Jacko was fucking hilarious and even got to post on the main page. But for a time whenever a rant was posted (by Orion or someone) it would be taken down. My guess it was Sharkey since its his site.Why didn’t he want a rants section? My theory is because all the people ever did was say \”this fucking sucks\” and then they would come and read the next rant the next day. Bitch bitch bitch. I bet he was hoping all those morons (who reads something they hate everyday?) would leave his fucking site.It looks like the rants section is coming back at full speed. Best of luck.

  5. rantI guess they’re working o na new cartoon called Howard Stern: the high school years. That’ll be funny as hell

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