Here Come Da Judge

Or the hearing officer, to be more exact. My court date is today. No, dear reader, I am not going before the gavel to defend my innocence. Today I am pleading my case to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement against my former employer for unpaid overtime wages. It’s for a good chunk of change (all legit, mind you) and they’ve tried to make it clear to me that if I lose, they’ll try everything in their power to find a way to sue me for lawyer fees, etc. I don’t think that’s possible in these cases, but who knows. Everybody seems to think that I’ll win it with minimal hassle, but I don’t buy into their optimism until I see the money in my hand and the smile on my mug.

Wish me luck in my fight against the man today. I’m about to strap on my Sunday’s best and go get my litigation on.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. place hand, grab…once you have them by the balls twist extra hard so you can get joy by watching them writhe in pain.

  2. re: place hand grabmax… you twisted fuck. i like that in a forgot to mention using 550 cord to tie their nut sac to the nearest over-eager corporate stairclimber.

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