Shhh… Its The Installer’s Naptime

Things I have done while Star Wars Galaxies has been installing on my PC:

  • Made three phone calls
  • Got a call from a telemarketer from the local newspaper, told him that I get my news direct from the source: L Ron Hubbard. Then I proceeded to ask him numerous questions about his mother and whether or not he’d like to enjoy a better life through Scientology. He hung up, although I did get out of him that he hated his father. Perhaps I should give his number to the Dianetics Center.
  • Chatted on AIM
  • Watched about two minutes of the G4 Network before losing interest
  • Watched another 30-minutes of G4 Network, regardless of interest level
  • Peed.
  • Read the nutrition facts on the back of a bottle of seasoned salt, or Sal Sazonada as they call it in Mexico or somewhere. Did you know that they color it brown on purpose? I feel somewhat less affectionate towards it now.
  • Wasted your time completely with this post

Done now, thank God. I was afraid the sequel was going to come out during the install. *slaps knee* HA! Me so not funny!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. InstallYeah, install takes a while. BTW, if you go on the Ahazi server, look for Nalla Soulfire.

  2. jokes still on youWhen you actually start playing the game.\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”Butterfly is dead.\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”\”Overcharge attack\”Butterfly is dead.Repeat for 10 weeks to take on advanced butterflies. (Its not EQ, they have blaster models with Wookie characters)

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