Trouble In The Biggetty-I

Well, my quiet little town isn’t so quiet today. Jeff just wrote in to tell me that a schizophrenic Albertson’s employee walked into his store this morning and killed 3 coworkers and injured numerous customers with a sword.

That’s some messed up shit. That’s just down the road. Just another example why parents should keep an eye on their mentally disturbed nerd offspring.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. too close to homeA customer of mine has a family member who works at that Stater Bros and saw the whole thing.She’s pretty fucked up mentally right now. =\

  2. hehThe guy just needed to smoke some weed or drink a few beers in his life, no wonder he went crazy!

  3. god damn. No shit.i agree, if that dude could have gotten some goddamned chronic i expect he would have lacked the motivation to do just about anything involving swords and hacking people to pieces.

  4. nigga pleaseIt’s all Highlander’s fault. Someone should sue them for forcing this troubled man to do such a terrible thing.

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