Slice Of The Day: Jennifer Connelly

I just lost this goddamned post, so if it lacks in the funny you can go screw yourself with chickenwire. Anyway, here’s a nice slice of The Hulk’s Jennifer Connelly.

jennifer is about to make lil sharkey 'hulk out'

You know, Jennifer here is one of my main problems with the flick. Not her exactly, just that the Hulk gets all calm and sedate at the sight of her. Judging from the rhumba that my wang does in my pants when she rides that horse in Career Opportunities, no man can calm himself within her general vicinity.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. My problemMy main problem with the Hulk was that it sucked 10 kinds of ass. Christ, I hope they don’t make a sequel I’ll be forced to see. Also, J Connelly wasn’t especially hot in it, either.

  2. Requiem for a Dreamoh man….Requiem for a Dream…..Strangest damn movie ever. GREAT lezbo scene in it though. I almost bought the movie because of that scene.

  3. Requiem for a Dreamoh man….Requiem for a Dream…..Strangest damn movie ever. GREAT lezbo scene in it though. I almost bought the movie because of that scene.

  4. some of you are supreme ******slike you nerds wouldn’t fuck her. picky little bitches might be particular to the cock.

  5. wordonly machine6 was a picky bitch, and obviously he has no penis, so its alright, we will spare him the shame of additional insults. go see the rocketeer also, she is extremely bomb in that one, especially during the restaurant scene.

  6. I would stick it in holes she didn’t even know she had.Actually dfg wasn’t impressed with her either. I know, personally, I would’t mind bouncing the top of her head off my headboard a few times. Then she could cook me breakfast, or make me a sammich.

  7. p.s.requiem for a dream is also a good damn book for those of you who actually read…of course you can’t stare at jennifers ass in it…oh well, still an awesome book and movie.

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