North, Ms Tessmacher! North!

Vacation again, this time less of the boozin’ and more of the cruisin’ since were making a 15 hour drive to Oregon. I’m guessing that internet access will be nonexistent up in Sun River. I base this solely on the fact that my prejudgement of any area outside of Southern California denotes a visual not at all unlike Hooterville from Green Acres. Therefore, who is to say whether or not you’ll get any posts from me, so this is the part where I threaten the loyal staffers with painful torture and no dessert if they don’t pick up the slack.

Also, I finally got the future posting script installed, so there are a few saved up slices coming your way. I figure if there’s one thing that might take your minds off of the comedic black hole that exists around here, its titties.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. North, Ms Tessmacher! North! First Mexico, now this. What’s next?\”Are we going to Addas Abbaba, Mr. Luthor?\”

  2. damnWTF? How many vacations do you take a year? Stop stealing from your clients. Oh for fuck sake never mind, take what you can get!

  3. Loyal Staffers..Man, I haven’t seen any of your so called \”loyal staffers\” in damn near a year….I figured you were the last one on board, Sharks..

  4. hah I can’t n its yer fault cocksmokerheh How many times have I reminded u to fix my front page access n you’re always like \”oh shit I forgot!!\”

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