If This Were Sharkmerica, You’d All Be Deported

Customs, customs, customs. If there’s one souvernier that made my 4 grand well spent in Europe last year, it is my lovely, lovely passport. I say this as I look back at a line about 1000 people long who only have a birth certificate, while I cruise right to the front. Too bad the little bastard kid who’s parents thought it would be cute to bestow a ukelele also has a passport. Perhaps he is my penance for expedited service.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. How ironic…I was in Holiday Valley NY for the past 2 days at a wedding. When the reception started to die down a friend of mine and I got the bright idea to drive the 2 hours to canada to sample some of their fine high alcohol content beer. When we finally got there the cops at the other side of the border stopped us for a \”Random inspection\”. I got out of the car and sat on a bench while some shrimpy canuck pilfered through my bags looking for a secret compartment of anthrax and smack. When he found nothing he looked disappointed and made my buddy that was driving take an alcholizer, it came up that he had about 2 beers in his system and the canadian douche patrol started hassling us and asking us \”why are you trying to bring alcohol into our country?\” even though the closest thing to beer in the car was an empty heineken that was under my seat. Anyway they were being dicks and making us sit outside of their little building while they tore our shit apart, so after about 25 minutes the leader of the canadian mounted cocksuckers or whatever the hell he was came over to us and said \”I’m not letting you in my country\” and told us to go back across the border. I wanted to smash the asshole in the face with a tire iron but I just swallowed my pride and got in the car and we drove off. I never talked bad about Canada before but after last nights fiasco I have only one thing to say: *Ahem* FUCK CANADA

  2. lmaopride….. roflmao u asshatnot that im supporting canada in any way, but id just like to put you down for being the american tard you arewhy in the name of fuck do u think the borders have been tighetened up? perhaps canada wanted to stop all the stupidity importing from america? or maybe, just MAYBE it was all the american BITCHING that al-qaeida agents were coming over the loose canadian border to instigate \”evil acts\” in america. and lo and behold, canada bent over and took it yet again, and beefing up their borders, because ofcourse they wouldnt want to anger the americans.now think before ya type some random shit out, ya fuckin tard.

  3. …Read the above post as: BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH tard BLAH BLAH BLAH tard tard BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH al qaeda tard BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH tard BLAH tard BLAH BLAH.You act as if I don’t already know all that shit, I’m just saying I’m not some sort of terrorist I was just trying to have a beer. While I was being searched I saw about 50 cars go by that a good 25% I guarantee had drivers and/or passengers that actually did something warranting being hassled by the border patrol. Now I’m gonna go back to Canada, and I have no problem with the people there unlike alot of my american brethren, but last nights little fiasco could have easily been diverted with a quick \”Be careful\” and wave ahead.

  4. The driverI’d also like to point out that when Al-DuneCoon passes from Canada to America they speak to American customs officers, not Canadian customs. And before you go ranting about how worthless our customs side must be let me say…yes, I agree with you. The officer we had was about 68, fat, and looked like he couldn’t stop a donut from rolling down a hill. My point is, although I blew over NY’s legal limit, I was sober, the vehical didn’t smell like alcohol, and the only thing they found was an empty bottle that could have been under my seat from the last time I returned shit for the deposits. Also, they failed to even mention the utility knife in my glove compartment (that I carry for work purposes). The Cannuk customs assbags wanted nothing more than to harass a couple kids who were obviously only going there to get drunk anyway. In fact, I told them that repeatedly. And since when has it been illegal to be a tourist, get hammered, and pass out safely in a hotel room? Anyway, FUCK CANADA.

  5. wtfwhats with everybody using ass-…. realted insults latley? i mean do we need to use South Park like burns to be cool now?

  6. geforce fxim looking for a web site that will compare the new geforce cards…5200, 5200 ultra 5600, 5600 ultra, the defunct 5800 ultra and the 5900 ultra.if anybody can tell me where i can find one page with all these comparisons on it plz let me know.

  7. If this WERE Sharkmerica…Nothing would ever get done. Just like nothing ever gets done around here.HAHAHAHA! I’m such a crack up!I’ll shut up.

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