Martha Martha Martha

Martha Stewart resigns, gets indicted, and more than likely had a painfully nervous bowel movement (I’m just speculating on the latter) all in one day. That’s not the biggest shocker of the article, however, as I’ve delivered to you the juiciest bits with minimal necessity for literacy. The big shock comes with the news that Martha is 61 fucking years old. Christ, does she bake every cake with formaldehyde?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. one fact we knowif she goes to jail we all know who the cell bull dyke will be!*in best molly shannon martha impression*i’ve made a lovely vibrator here using nothing but a used TP roll and chicken bones i smuggled out of the chow hall in my nether regions…

  2. one down one to goi hope she does go to jail, then maybe we will not have to put up with her annoying ass. there is only one person i hate more than martha stewart, and that is celine dion. my vision of hell is being chained to a bed in a room with those two whores….(shudders) excuse me while i go pray for my soul.

  3. CCOChief Creative Officer = Chief Cunt Who Barks Orders And Will Fire Your Ass For Looking At Her Cross Eyed.

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