Quickie Movie Reviews

Did you know that there are other flicks in the theatres right now besides Matrix and X-2? I know, I was pretty goddamn shocked as well. I took the time and actually saw a couple of these flicks, and now I shall take time out of your valuable Matrix-discussing schedule (see previous post) and deliver you a litte bit of chewy-chocolatey delicious reviewyness.

A Mighty Wind

I know I talked about it the other day, but I may as well elaborate if only to waste your time a bit more. Besides, it just seems kind of to review just Down With Love, I need something I can stand proudly behind sitting on top of it.

If you haven’t seen a Christopher Guest flick before, I would certainly reccommend seeing Waiting For Guffman or Best In Show. I’m one of the few non-snobs who doesn’t think that one is superior to the other as far as craftsmanship. I like Best In Show better than it’s predecessor purely because I saw it first, and the concept was fresh and just made for a funnier experience. A Mighty Wind is the third of the Christopher Guest directed mockumentaries, and if you’re not into subtle humor, this one might fly right over your head. However, if you dig on Eugene Levy (as well you should, sinner) and can appreciate the subtleties of comedy based on the sheer ridiculousness of people’s insistance that their incredibly retarded lives are exciting, then this is the film for you. Honestly, I didn’t find it as funny as the previous two films, but it was still a refreshing bit of change from the normal barrage of summer blockbusters.

Down With Love

Warning fellas. Dragging your lil’ lady (for the few of you lucky enough, or should I say sanitized enough to actually acquire one) to see Matrix Reloaded eight times will build her up some mighty powerful in the movie-war. She’ll be dragging you to a chick flick pretty soon, so if you’re going to have to do it, get it out of the way now. And this flick is probably the softest blow you can incur.

It’s surprisingly very funny. I’ve seen a lot of people bitching about it, but I don’t think they can appreciate how it was crafted to be so appealingly and accurately retro. I figured that they’d just slap some flowery clothes on everyone and do a couple of song-and-dance numbers. But from the directing (Lucas-like wipes abound) to the actors mannerisms, everything is a pretty damn good translation of a 60’s innuendo-filled comedy. And the unneccessarily elaborate ending, while probably annoying to some, was pretty funny. Normally chick flicks make me want to claw my own eyes out and apologize to my wang, but this one was alright.

Take her to see it now, before something Oprah-approved comes out.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. quote boxessave them for quotes, not ur commentary!! too difficult to read such long paragraphs in those boxes hehe.

  2. solutionhold down control + mouse scrool up/down if you ever have a page that you cannot read. or just change your resolution. or just whine in the comments section.

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