1. please be a jokeCan someone tell him this guy that the position for the Klingon interpreter is still open?\”she’s 6 foot 3, and I’m a sucker for brown-eyed blondes with long hair. But red hair, brunets, and blue eyes are OK too. Here’s where it gets interesting… my ideal lady has a nice sleek, flat little chest and a nicely rounded little poochy tummy! She is not skinny, she has long legs, and she likes to wear shoes that let her feet stand nice and flat on the ground the way nature intended. She doesn’t wear jewelry or makeup, and she doesn’t vandalize her body with tattoos. Though I confess I find appendix scars on poochy female tummies very appealing.\”What he doesn’t mention is that he wants beautiful hairy toes to suck on for hours a day.

  2. the sad tale….of a man who could have been the perfect computer geek….but alas allowed his desire for the vagina to drive in to madness…..come away from the pink my friends…in fact vagina should be use like danderuff shampoo….USe only as needed and ONLY as directed. Misuse could result in a broken cock or worse yet feelings…uhhh…god no.

  3. hypocriticalthe one part that just makes me laugh over and over again:\”I hate it when people act like sex addicts just to mask the fact that they’re really cold and unloving on the inside… that’s just wrong behavior . It’s hypocritical and a dangerous way to live. I can see right through those sex-addict types anyway. I’ll admit straight out, I’m a virgin…\”sooo….how the fuck does he see right through the sex-addicts, much less know what one is to begin with? im assuming that by saying he can see right through them, he is refering to the trait that he can point them out at first sight. whats even funnier is this guy uses the word hypocritical…which is exactly what he is…who the hell is he to critcize something hes never experianced?! what a hypocritical dipshit!

  4. sad…saddid any of you get this far? HOBBIESThese are some of my interests: chemistry (both kinds)- YEAH I BET…LOSER, electronics, ham radio, metalworking, painting, reading, sewing, sketching, woodworking, writing… a lot of things that involve building things or fixing things. They would all be a lot more fun if I had a wife to enjoy them with (she was the little girl who was always taking apart broken things to find out how they worked). – CAN SHE TAKE APART HIS DICK AND SHOW HIM HOW TO USE IT?SPORTI’m not very athletic (though I get a good workout from do-it-yourself projects)- YEAH,I BET, but I’d love to have a wife to take to the beach and go swimming with. I used to love the beach… but then it made me feel bad that *I* didn’t have a pretty girlfriend to enjoy the beach with. I like hiking in the mountains too, when I can. But at least you will never become a sports widow, because I have very little interest in sports. Personally, I’d rather be the referee.-WHICH COULD BE HIS PROBLEM…DO YOU THINK?

  5. Momma’s boyBesides the fact he looks like a ped…\”I won’t kiss anyone on the mouth, so don’t ask. And don’t even MENTION oral sex to me. I think the whole idea of it sounds pretty bizarre and sick-making\” WTF ???HAHAHA ! nice – too many french-kisses from mommy I guess..Mommy – \”Come on up here and rub my belly !\”Son – Ok, right after I’m done licking your ass!\”This guy is whack – I’m not sure a girl will be too interested in a dude that doesn’t like oral either way and girls tend to get creeped out with guys rubbing their belly when they aren’t pregnant and talk about their mother when they are 45 yrs old. ISSUES !!!!

  6. whack.maybe this guy is being sincere. But he just wrote himself out of the race with all this shit. poor, poor guy. No kissing on the mouth? No oral sex? \”I probably wouldn’t care much for a trip to Europe, though… neither would my ideal lady. Like me, she would be able to appreciate the enchantingly antiseptic aesthetics of a Motel 6.\”WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!? so she’d prefer to sleep in separate beds in a motel six rather than see some fantastic coutry side or city in europe. pftt.

  7. this is the end of humanity.\”So if you are that very special lady who’s potbellied, flat chested, left handed, and a smoker… this guy loves you and wants to marry you!!!\”sounds attractive.

  8. fake?Now this guy may or may not be real. There are definitely a few of these kinds of tools out there. However, is he really that dumb to put a horrible picture of himself out on the web when looking for a chick? You would think he would at least dig out his old prom picture with mom as his date to at least look decent and not so much of a fat fucking pussy ass slob.

  9. StunningHere’s a bit I found interesting:I’m not very athletic (though I get a good workout from do-it-yourself projects) [He said his hobbies included \”chemistry (both kinds)\”, metal working, sewing, ham radio, now if someone can get a real workout from any of those please inform us all]… I like hiking [read: sit on my ass and have something carry me] in the mountains too… I have very little interest in sports [didn’t see that one coming]. Personally, I’d rather be the referee [I guess we know where all those crazy pee-wee sport ref’s come from].Plain and simple, WOW. Honestly, who wants to marry this guy. I realize there are a shitload of people out there but still, WOW.

  10. wowShe’s about the best kind of mother in the whole world, but you have to be careful around her because her \”freakout threshold\” isn’t very high.sounds like norman bates to me

  11. AgainI had to make another post about this:\”My sense of humor is very dry… but I do NOT like hurtful humor [I can’t be the only one who isn’t suprised]I am not joking when I say that the feeling I get from brushing paint onto canvas, gets me high! But not loud, noisy rock, gushy love songs, opera, or gloomy country music. I can’t dance, but I sure can sing! [Again, who isn’t suprised]Any lady who knows anything at all about us men, knows how we love our food… It would not bother me in the least if my lady is a sloppy eater who enjoys filling her tummy with gooey pizza now and then, giggling and getting tomato sauce on her pretty face! [Oh come on, this is too easy]I think people need to stop worrying about gun control and start doing some GOON control. And I think the founders of the world religions made all the wrong things sinful. [Gimmie a break]\”Check out his \”What’s in it for you\” page as well. After reading that can you even define him as a man? The only \”manly\” things he does is metalwork, but he follows that up by saying he likes sewing. I’m stunned that he even uses the word \”wife\” he seems like a guy that is into the whole \”life-partner\” bullshit.

  12. No shitWell aren’t i just a fucking genius:\”The kind of lady I’m seeking is probably more like a very loving, very caring sister than a wife\”This guy is beginning to disgust me. As soon as he realizes NO ONE can fit more than 5 of his specifications he’s going to develop another personality and start cross-dressing using his \”cool\” mom’s makeup.

  13. Come out of the closet\”So if you are that very special lady who’s potbellied, flat chested, left handed, and a smoker… this guy loves you and wants to marry you!!!\”Seems like someone needs to ride the sausage train and is afraid to admit it. His description of the perfect ‘girl’ sounds an awful lot like a guy.

  14. damn\”So if you are that very special lady who’s potbellied, flat chested, left handed, and a smoker… this guy loves you and wants to marry you!!!\”at least he’s not aiming too high.\”You will NOT have to put up with me inviting obnoxious friends over… I showed them the door years ago\”Was that when the doctors told you that you were too old to have imaginary friends??\”The kind of lady I’m seeking is probably more like a very loving, very caring sister than a wife\” well that explains everything, he’s Tasmanian\”but to me, a pretty lady who smokes is a comfy nostalgic reminder of my boyhood. It’s the strangest thing, but I’m VERY turned on by the thought of hugging a pretty lady whose breath is delicately perfumed with ciggy smoke..\”Uhhh… reminder of boyhood??, try reminder of mother before she got all wrinkly.\”I was cut out to be a one-woman man\”.. yeh can only aford one inflatable girlfriend.i’ll credit him on one thing. his sketches arn’t too bad.

  15. hmm…dude is sorta crazy. but i hope he finds that crazy fat chick that likes having her belly rubbed… wow unbelievable.

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