For Every Blockbuster, There Must Be A Vomit Inducer

I blame the Jews. Why? Because if they hadn’t killed Jesus, God wouldn’t take out his vengeance on us like this:

Be warned. Contains crap previously unused in first box office in smash my face for even seeing it even tho it was free on freinds dvd. He’s not my freind anymore. I had to kill him since he bought it. Wasn’t to willing to take the movie review of some website but from now on I trust what you review. Dear god I wish I could take back that time. At least I was sick when I watched so I can claim that as a reason and the high medication blanked most from memory, but like a well used public washroom no matter how much you clean it’s still gonna stink.

Not sure if you weren’t already warned about this. Some should warn people. If not for the children, hell why for the children they don’t do much anyway. Except those overseas that make my swank shoes. I like in as much as I can like my shoes.

Stunt the Runt

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go murder a security guard who seems to want to tow my car from the complex where I live because my fucking garage door opener is broken. If they arrest me, tell the monkeys that I’m at the Orange County Jail down in Santa Ana. Tell them to bring cookies.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Someone deserves to be castrated for that.They even had the audacity to use a Rob Zombie song in the preview.House of 1,000 Corpses > Jeepers Creepers 1-543

  2. See the death in your eyes…I remember watching the first one and thinking…this movie has to be the lamest horror movie I have ever seen…when are they going to just get it over with and play Meet the Creeper? sure enough…they saved it for the sequal.

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