Slice Of The Day: Ming Na Wen

Yet again we owe our gratitude to forum-goer LP for another kickass gallery. Today’s slice is the lovely Ming Na Wen, who voiced another slice, Aki from Final Fantasy.

Ming Na Wen

Watch out at work, there’s boobies in them thar hills.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. its like TWO pecan slices in oneyum! not to mention Zhang Ziyi last week? Sharkey is too kind.

  2. Boobies! Where?There somewhat similiar to my grandpa’s man-boobs; however, they’re more non-existant.

  3. average?wow where do you live? i should move there, it seems the average token asian chick is way hotter than the snaggle toothed whores in my neighborhood.

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