Don’t Say It. Don’t Fucking Say It.

Rodney King is in trouble again. Seems the dumbshit took his new Expedition at 100 MPH through a neighborhood and crashed into a house. I know the temptation is great, but none of us needs to utter that fucking phrase ever again. You know what I’m talking about.

King, 39, was spotted Sunday by a police officer who said King was speeding and weaving through traffic in his 2003 Ford Expedition when he slammed into a utility pole, a chain-link fence and then the home, police said. No one in the home was injured.

Police said they suspect that King was intoxicated, and a blood sample was drawn to determine his blood-alcohol level. Test results have not yet been released.

King was not arrested, but a report detailing the crash circumstances will be submitted to prosecutors, police Lt. Kathy Thompson said.

Not to be insensitive or anything, but it appears that the LAPD didn’t teach him enough of a lesson the first time. That, or their nightsticks did their jobs a little too well.

I lied, I completely meant to be insensitive. What’s it to you?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Can’t we all just…get along?I believe that would be the one.(BTW I didn’t write it all together so it doesn’t count.)

  2. idiotYou’d think after his last traffic incident, he’d know not to drive drunk. Dumbass motherfucker.

  3. Beat him down !You’d think after his last traffic incident, he’d know HOW to drive drunk, Dumbass motherfucker.

  4. Yep, it’s time…Time to put this fucker down. I don’t care how, but make it soon, and painful, if possible.

  5. Poor guyI feel for him. Seriously. What a palsy, nut suckin, genetically damaged, cumslurpin, ball-less wonder he is. They shoulda lynched the negra when they had the chance! Oh shit. Did I just say that? Inform the NAACP ASAP!

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