
Got a whopping 4 hours of sleep last night, after working until 6am. Didn’t have to do that really, I was just on one of those programming highs. You non-nerds have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me boil it down for you. It’s like when you meet a new girl, and you guys stay up al night talking and talking and you feel like it’s the start of something new and exciting. Yeah, it’s a lot like that, except no girl, you’re in your underwear and everything has that slight stink of pathetic. Can you picture it now? Excellent. And now that everyone’s self esteem is lowered, my work is finished.

If that goddamn waitress doesn’t show up with my goddamn muffin soon I’m going to… Ah fuck it, I’m going to sleep in the booth.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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