I Wreak My Vengeance Upon All Things Depot

That's gonna be a whole lotta urine come Saturday.Home Depot, watch your ass. My couple-hundred pound order of water came in yesterday. The delivery guy seemed to be really pleased that I was the last delivery on his route. And by really pleased, I mean that he looked like he wanted to drown me in a sea of cool mountain spring water. Office Depot got me back that day though, when the Goddamn manager wouldn’t let me use a coupon code from the Internet for one of those all-in-one USB media readers. I planned on going home, doing their fun order-it-online/pick-it-up-in-store option so that I could come back ten minutes later and pick it up for the lower price, pre-paid. However, their website was on to my scam because they had run out of stock before I got home. Curses! I’d be vengeful and pricematch it to a store with a ridiculously low price, but I’m way too lazy for that. Maybe another ten cases of water will do the trick.

In other news, here’s something horribly depressing to help you forget that today is Friday, and that a fun weekend is coming up, only to be succeeded by yet another week of your dreary existence! You’re welcome!

Seems like the water bottles on the right are a tad big, so I actually need to keep typing just to take up valuable screen space. I think I’ll post this next link inside a fancy blockquotey box just to waste some more. I can do that, because I am all powerful. And because I had a McDonald’s sausage biscuit for breakfast. And through them, I can do all things. Or was that Jesus?

New Matrix Reloaded Trailer – rocks you like an aquatic tropical cyclone.

See? That’s the power I wield on a daily basis. Now I’m going to take my power and get a haircut. This coiffe is getting a little fucking ridiculous. I look like Dr. Emmitt Brown with his hair spiked.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. DepressingBah, what a bunch of pussies. He basically said, \”We didn’t do our jobs and report these stories and human rights violations because we were scared that we might suffer some backlash\”. Grow a spine, if they had done their job then maybe this war could have taken place earlier and with the support of the UN. It’s either bullshit and they are just licking the balls of the US government by helping them justify this war, or they are just pussy cowards. Of course it is CNN so that is to be expected.

  2. Re: DepressingI would tend to agree with you Jim, except, as you aptly put, it is CNN, so I would lean towards them being, \”pussy cowards.\”Sharkey, that trailer made my pants tight. I wonder what the movie will do to me.

  3. Sharkey is my hero.Sharkey, you and your bottled water hijinx will always bring a warm feeling to my heart…or maybe its the heartburn…

  4. matrixSo, with my school’s intarweb connection, I downloaded everything the Matrix website had to offer in less than 3 minutes. Thank god for big pipes. By the way, that pants tightening is universal, so feel included, Fututor.

  5. did you read the article?Jim: It wasn’t for their own safety (the CNN reporter). If they report something horrible then their Iraqi co-worker who sets up the camera or answers the phone has his wife raped in front of him while acid is poured on his son’s balls. The CNN reporter could have gone back to NY anytime and reported but it was the backlash on their helpers who lived in Baghdad that stopped them.As horrible as it sounds it seemed like it worked. If you can stop independent American news agencies from reporting anti-Iraq news then you are being effective.

  6. jackassesWhat really blows is those CNN pussies aren’t even reporting the shit now! Some guy writes one article… they don’t say that stuff on TV. They just interview iraqis who are pissed with the US… prolly ba’athists anyway. *sigh* Why does this PC pussified world hate the military…. oh yea… nevermind. =)

  7. wattter… me and fishbait ordered that too… 240 bottles at 4 a day… should keep us busy for 2 months…

  8. Lick da scrote and da chode asapYou dungwafers. Fuck American news agencies they’re corporate dilldicks and they’ve an agenda. Go here. It’s Canadian. Viva la Canuks!!! ok sorry…

  9. wtf?dilldick? dungwafer? you must mean pickle-dick and shit-pie you cunt-nuck. P.S. fuck canada (aka america Jr.) and france. go bathe and tell your women to shave. and fuck everyone now that i think of it. but mostly canada and france.

  10. stfu asap irl k? thxObviously I was trying to steer clear of the cliches. I thought my renditions were very creative. If not, my apologies. Your vagina must be killing you.

  11. The MatrixCool….but nobody sayin shit about T3: Rise Of The Machines….dude it’s the future war movie that compeletes the series…..the Matrix is fuckin sick….T3 wikk be badass as well

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