And Peaches! Motherfuckers Better Have Peaches!

Ever sit and wonder where your federal and state taxes go sometimes? Here’s a fun spot that some of it wound up…

ATLANTA For some Georgia lawmakers, a meal wouldn’t be complete without sweet tea. Now they could put that into law. Rep. John Noel, D-Atlanta, and four co-sponsors filed a bill Tuesday that would make it a misdemeanor “of a high and aggravated nature” not to offer sweet tea in any Georgia restaurant that serves iced tea. Noel acknowledged the bill was an attempt to bring a little humor to the Legislature. But he said he wouldn’t mind if it became law. Under the bill, restaurants could still serve unsweetened tea, but must serve sweet tea as well. The proposed bill specifies the tea must be sweetened when it is brewed. Misdemeanors can carry a sentence of up to 12 months in jail. Noel got the idea when he wasn’t able to order sweet tea at a restaurant in Chicago. It wasn’t on the menu.

Meanwhile, “lynching nigras” and “illicit incestuous cohabitation” were still on the Georgia block for the misdemeanor treatment. Sweet merciful crap, they actually wasted the time to add this to the Legislature. You have to wonder what sweetens the tea of these representatives that gives them the utter satisfaction necessary to demand it at every meal, by order of law…

WHEEEE! Let's make it legal to rape that bitch over yonder, Zeke! ...Cousin? Who's cousin? Aw, Hell, what does it matter?

Mystery solved. I’m like the Goddamn Scooby-Doo team, only without Fred’s gay scarf. And uh… no Mystery Machine, and no butch lesbians… I guess I’m nothing like the Scooby Doo gang. I think I’d much rather be like Voltron. Then I’d have the kickass theme music, and a flaming sword. …wait, that doesn’t sound right…

That’s it. No more Georgia sweet tea before bed.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. humor*Noel acknowledged the bill was an attempt to bring a little humor to the Legislature.What the fuck??? It’s this kind of counter-productive time wasting shit that…well, I’m not sure what the fuck it does. But it does something, and I promise you, it’ll piss me off when I figure it out.

  2. SPEAKING of Peaches…what the hell happened to her? and what happened to Jacko and FaaQ and everyone else? maybe the scooby-doo team can get on that one next

  3. PeachesAs many may remember Peaches and I had a battle of wits on the forum of each of her rants… not only because she was putting things like: \”I was at teh mall and this bytch lookd at me wrong so i wuz lyke wut da fuk.\” in her \”rants\” but also because there was only one time in about 15 postings she actually included a rant in the rant section other than some mediocre diatribe about how her buddies at abercrombie and fitch wouldn’t play the new christina aguilera CD and she was \”teh pissed\”. Since the last time I pointed this out to her she hasn’t surfaced… I can only hope I am to blame and she’s somewhere carving my name into her arms while playing the latest O-Town CD and considering turning goth because it’s now the \”cool\” thing to do. I agree that arguing on the internet is like running in the special olypics and that even if you win you are still a retard, that’s why I never argued with her… just merely pointed out facts… take it as constructive criticism or take it as \”talking shyt\” whichever you choose, either way I won’t lose any sleep at night and I suggest you don’t either.

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