Stupid Protestors Redux

Evan over at Brain-Terminal has done it again with another oh so subtle expose on the “peace movement” and their supposed “anti-war” protests. Pay special attention to the increasingly hostile and angry signs that these “pacifists” are holding. As usual, totally absent is anything resembling rational thought, except for the Harry Knowles look-alike at the end who manages to sum up the real anti-war sentiment rather simply without losing his sanity or rambling on into yet another incoherent MKULTRA CIA rant regarding the Military Industrial Complex, Aliens and/or Bush=Hitler.

Of special note is the appearance of a naked man who seems to have hemorrhoids, a fat pregnant furry or is that Anna Nicole Smith? And a special guest appearance by Egg Shen in a reprisal of his role as the “incoherent conspiracy theory Asian” which is good for a laugh. I can’t stress enough how these protests have little or nothing to do with the war on Iraq and everything to do with the hate for our current President by so many on the left and their commie pinko friends.

Yet another denizen of the “Rainy Depressing Shithole State” aka Washingting, has produced a protestor who seems to have chained himself to the wrong building.

Jody Mason of Olympia is locked to the Washington State Grange office building Tuesday to protest war. He intended to chain himself to a federal Department of Energy office building, but discovered he was at the wrong location.

The massive growth of facial hair blocks the harmful govt. microwaves

In other stupid protestor news, a “non-zealot” from Washington State has managed to fall casualty to an earth moving device because the girl who was too fucking stupid to step out of the way of a bulldozer and was subsequently crushed to death in “Palestine”. Something of note is that the pictures of the event “as it happened” seem to be from different sites during the same day and seem to be pictures of two different bulldozers. I love how Internet Intifada in their desperate attempt to push their propaganda don’t seem to realize that little things like lying do nothing to bolster their argument. Sad that they would rather pimp this girls death by playing the Emotion card. Lets not forget how easily the incident could have been avoided if the girl had just exercised simple common sense and moved out of the way. What the fuck am I saying these are protestors, they can’t be expected to apply rational thought. I guess being color blind also means that you can't see giant earth moving equipment

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  1. Fuck the protestorsMan, these stupid ass, wanna be hippy dumbasses need to back the hell off. They’re dealing with a man, when he was Gubnor of Texas, killed off almost all the people on death row, do you honestly think that he’s going to give a rat’s ass who he crushes to get whatever he wants? And stop protesting the boys that are over there that may have to give their lives up so your little pansy asses can stand out there and protest, they don’t deserve that shit.Friggin idiots. Way to go though Sharkey, even though your being sarcastic as hell, your sharp observation is dead on. PeaceThe Patriot

  2. none, reallyActually, those pictures aren’t of different sites or bulldozers. It’s called camera angle, and it’s a rather simple concept to anyone who chooses to learn photography beyond fat tourist fuck.As for calling her an idiot, why? What about the student protestor in China those years ago, the one that stood in front of a tank? It’s called believing in something, and standing up for it. Sure, it’s easy to comment on stupidity when you sit behind a machine with a screen name. Get out there, and argue against them.

  3. Ahemshe’s an idiot because she is defending suicide bombers. Do you know why the bulldozer was bulldozing in the first place?The Israelis told the Palestinians that whenever one of their people suicide bombs Israel, they will bulldoze that person’s family’s house. So the guy who bombed them doesn’t have to suffer anymore, but his family sure as hell will.

  4. The PixThe pictures are obviously from different times, but the bulldozer is the same. However, she was still really dumb to stand there. The Tiananmen Square dude was eventually pulled away from the tanks. Also, if you see the entire video, he actually jumped onto the tanks shortly after they began to try and move around him. The driver obviously didn’t want to run over his own countryman, in this case, the Israeli driver was free to do anything he pleased to her, she meant nothing to him but some idiot yelling at him to stop doing what he probably feels is right. Whatever.

  5. suicide bombersCalling every palestinian a suicide bomber is like calling every american a stupid Texan thats out to force feed bibles to the stupid masses.they aren’t all zealots, and lets face it, if they fought the isreali’s with \”conventional\” warfare, they’d be slaughtered… History should show you that when fighting for independance, people use any and all means necessary. Hell, Britain thought we were animals for actually hiding in trees and AIMING our gun at a person before we fired! the \”conventional\” warfare at the time was to stand in a line, and fire a volley of bullets, not to actually aim.Its not right to our standards, and i do not agree with the taking of innocent lives, but lets face it, they found the only way they can strike back and be effective. Ya gotta look at this in perspective, they got to use their resources, which are people that truly believe in their cause, and abilities to make explosives, AHA!Not saying its right, but conventional wisdom has always been against non-conformist warfare, but these people are desperate

  6. correctionsorry, I meant to say during the Revolutionary war, we used those type of \”guerilla tactics\”, ie pointing our guns at people…

  7. another one for tha listSome dude fell to his death off the Golden Gate Bridge (in San Francisco) trying to hang up an anti-war banner. How tragic.

  8. more crapLast thing to say about this whole war ordeal before shutting the hell up.Who says killing, in any sense, is right? The Cowboy Christian who is our President says, in so many words, that this is a war sanctioned by God. Well, what part of \”thou shalt not kill\” is so hard to understand?So, now, because of oil, pride, and greed, thousands, if not millions, of people on both sides in this are going to die. People that could have been used to make a difference in this world instead of destroying it.

  9. OMG RONIN YOU’RE SO RIGHTIraq is a happy peaceful place, in which its citizens prosper under Saddam’s rule. It is unjust for us to want such a peace-loving, generous man out of power. I mean he won the most recent Iraqi elections with 100% of the vote! Killing is soooo wrong, we should all be more like plants and subsist on sunshine and love.

  10. That must be one hell of an angleCamera angle my ass, the bulldozer in the right pic is:a)A different color (look at the blade)b)Equipped with a different set of lightsc)In a different location (look at the background, fence, etc)d)Equipped with a guard rail so the driver doesn’t fall off when he exits cabin.Are you people who say it’s just camera angles blind, retarded, or did you even look at the fucking pictures?

  11. Well now that war is offically inevitablewe might as well all sit back and watch for the fireworks set to go off aaannnnyyy day now. Now we can all just hope the soldiers make it home ok :puts on some John Lennon, a dirty celebrity who protested war because he needed the publicity:oh yeah did anyone else hear Bush say \”Do not destroy oil wells\” in his speech last night?

  12. MiltonI just watched the first \”Protesting the protesters\” and I noticed the guy with the Russian hat sounds exactly Milton from Office Space. \”If he starts a war…i’ll burn down the White House\”

  13. MoronsThe next retard that says this war is about oil deserves to be shot. To make a long diatribe short — if you think that invading Iraq will lower oil/gas prices, you’re a flaming idiot. This is not about oil. Get it through your thick skulls. Also, the *real* reason that France, Germany, and Russia oppose military action against Iraq? They have investments in the country. Hence the 1st rule of global economics:You do not bomb countries in which you have invested millions. It would be the equivalent of the U.S. bombing Japan — how many Nissan, Toyota, McDonalds, etc. would we destroy? The next day there would be alot of completely pissed off American investors. The same goes for the aforementioned countries and Iraq.As for your obviously stupid-liberal-ass Ronin, I don’t waste time bantering about morals and values. I stick to the facts.Fact: Saddam Hussein has used chemical weapons on his own people.Fact: Saddam Hussein is a dictator.Fact: Saddam Hussein has killed political rivals.Fact: Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.Fact: Saddam Hussein scudded Israel for the hell of it in the first Gulf War.Fact: The United Nation has sat with it’s proverbial dick (hint: the UN doesnt have a dick, or balls for that matter) in it’s proverbial hand for the past 12 years.If you are opposed to a war, that’s fine. But at least get your shit straight, especially if you are going to start slinging shit.

  14. She’s more stupid than you think…According to an article I read at another site ( for the interested among you), this idiot didn’t just stand in front of the bulldozer, she ran up and jumped on the fucking blade on the front end. There are also additional pictures on the site that show what the ground looked like as the bulldozer actually drove over it; it was anything but flat. As far as I’m concerned, this chick is just this year’s leading candidate for a Darwin Award…

  15. Draft HumorHeh the anti war protests could easily be stopped if Bush wanted >8/. Start the draft, and then draft all the suckers who are protesting the war, send’m off to Iraq and let’m be cannon fodder.*shrug* least they’d stop breathing my air

  16. Facts…Fact: DubYa went went AWOL while enlisted in the Air Reserves.Fact: DubYa cannot drink, from bein recovering alcoholic (never trust a man that can’t drink).Fact: America has NEVER used Pre-Emption as a method of dealing with enemies, it goes against international rule of law.Fact: we GAVE Saddam those chemical weapons you so eloquently pointed out that he used (what did we think he was gonna do?)Fact: there are Hundreds of dictators around the world that are just as, if not more brutal then Saddam (and plenty more dangerous, they just don’t have anything we want).Fact: we are the ONLY other nation that has used Weapons of Mass Destruction on another sovreign nation.One last one, stop reading off Bill O’reilly’s \”cliff notes\” version of ‘how to blame clinton and those damn liberals for all the ills fo the world’, and come up with some new arguments. All indications are that Halliburton (Cheney’s buddies, and leading contributor to the GOP) has wrapped up the contract to \”rebuild\” Iraq, giving them what we all suspected was coming anyway, Iraqi Oil. Pull your damn head outta DubYa’s ass long enough to see the big picture here.Support our troops, but don’t follow like a damn barnyard animal, your an american for christs sake, act smarter then that.

  17. This is funny…It’s a joke, and an exercise in utter futility, to try and change someone’s mind. Pro-war, anti-war, it doesn’t even matter. Every individual is going to believe, feel, think, etc. whatever he or she wants to, and any effort to change those beliefs, feelings, thoughts, etc. is just a waste of time. Really, in the end, it’s all just opinion. State your opinion intelligently, but just know that it doesn’t mean shit to someone who agrees or disagrees, because everyone’s opinion is unique. The apex of relativism.

  18. oki wasn’t aware that camera angles could effect the equpiment on the dozer.if thats the case then we should just camera angles when taking pictues of small breasted weman.Additonaly the fact of the matter remains that the woman IS dead right…, and is shes not she should have been.Anybody who give two shits and a fuck about some fucked backward ass country like Iraq, Quwait, or any of the other 900 Middle Eastern shit piles has two much time on thier hands. Fuck those country and the people in them we send perfectly good americans to die because Saddams \”killing his own people\”?Sounds to me like he figured it out and is doing us a favor.the bottom line is this IS about oil it always has been and it always will be…and yes we don’t blow the fuck out of them because the pussy ass UN will slap us on the wrist and other stupid yokal will stop trading with us…and while we could take what we want we can’t take all of it…at least not yetpeace

  19. wowevery time i see a post by Hsing i am suprized at how much more of an idiot he looks like. it truly is amazing.

  20. So very sadI guess I’ll have to move out of my favorites folder that says Humor and put it in the one that says PLEASE GOD KILL EVERYONE ON THE PLANET WE NO LONGER DESERVE TO LIVE.

  21. quick responses for dewscool\”Fact: America has NEVER used Pre-Emption as a method of dealing with enemies, it goes against international rule of law.\”I didn’t know Bosnia was attacking us a few years ago before we bombed the fuck out of them. Last I heard we attacked them because a bad regime was oppressing another group of people. And they didn’t even have WMD.\”Fact: we GAVE Saddam those chemical weapons you so eloquently pointed out that he used (what did we think he was gonna do?)\”We gave them so they could take down Iran (even Reagan seemed bent on taking down Iran). Just like giving UBL to take down Russia in Afghanistan. We just hope they don’t use them on us afterwards and in real life shit does happen.\”Fact: there are Hundreds of dictators around the world that are just as, if not more brutal then Saddam (and plenty more dangerous, they just don’t have anything we want).\”We are getting to them. But if we go through the UN each time we will take down each dictator by the year 2250. In the meantime millions will die in the name of peace. Yay peace. Dictators love peace when the force is greater than theirs and hate it when the force is smaller. USA may be the big bully but its better us than the commies or the socialists.

  22. no shitThanks for the already well known facts irish, what the hell does that have to do with my not agreeing with the current policy? All of those have been re-hashed already (by me mostly when talkin of previous foreign policy fuck-ups), but I thank you for taking the time to point them out again…Our founding fathers did not want this nation to be the imperialist fucks that England turned into. Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. Walk softly and carry a big stick, and you’ll garner enough respect to maintain your power without having to use it.

  23. IdiotOur founding fathers did not want this nation to be imperialistic? You can learn quite the opposite in any grade school U.S. history class; it is called Mainfest Destiny. Look it up, you’ll be amazed.Oh yeah, and Theodor Roosevelt said, \”Talk softly and carry a big stick,\” not, \”walk softly and carry a big stick.\” He was not trying to imply anything about maintaining power without using it. Again, it is quite to the contrary. He was simply making an analagous reference to the old addage that actions speak louder than words. Teddy was all about shutting the fuck up and actually doing something, i.e. using your power to maintain your power.Think before you speak Dews, you are making yourself look stupid.

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