Bush 2.0

So like many other americans I accidentally stumbled onto Bush’s speech. I had turned on Fox, watched for about 20 seconds before thinking to myself.

WTF? is he Lipsinking? No George no bad move. People will jump your ass for this.

Nope I flipped to NBC and it turns out it was just Fox’s shitty sound was off sync.

All politics aside I think it was a good speech albeit longwinded but I’m sure they had a bunch of speech writer’s all huddled up and examining everyword to make sure it was intelligent and PC.

Just once I’d love to hear a politician speak his mind. You’d never hear George make a statement to Saddam of “Do it or I’ll fucking spank you.”

Actually I’d settle for hearing one of the politicians I work with, tell me something without that feeling of a knife blade slipping between my ribs.

I believe something needs to be done, but I don’t have the attention span to keep myself informed enough to make a statement. “Ignorance is bliss” That doesn’t stop everyone else though does it!!! So here’s what I think should be done.

Oh look Adult Swim is on…

*runs away*

Categorized as Rants

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