Slice Of The Day: Elisha Cuthbert

I’d like to thank Andrew for pointing me in the right direction of today’s slice, who is one of the hottest things I’ve seen to come out of Canada since I set fire to those visiting Maple Leafs fans. …I mean, since I watched those Maple Leafs fans set fire to themselves and scream for mercy… I uh… shit. Well, don’t look at me like that. The bastards had the audacity to talk back when I mocked their usage of “Maple Leafs” instead of “Maple Leaves”. Arrogant Canucks, think they can just forget grammatical law when they cross the Goddamn border.

Oh right, the boobs. Gentlemen, meet the delicious Elisha Cuthbert.

Elisha Cuthbert. I'd like to smear her in maple syrup and slather it around with maple leaves and make maple-y delicious love to her. Maple.

Stop drooling bastards, you’re embarassing America. Wait, she lives here now? Has for years, you say? Oh. Well thanks again for another gracious export Canada. We’ll send you some more overpriced cars and pencils for your trouble.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. boioioioioioinnnngg One of the very many good reasons to watch 24. It’s too bad her character’s role this season is so shitty and forced. However, if it keeps that perfectly shaped pair on my set, I’m willing to sit through a whole hell of a lot worse. I mean seriously, look at these boys for crissake. They’re like a message from god, telling us he loves us.

  2. actually…I’m no Canuck, but american cars in Canada are actually cheaper than they are in the states… GM, Ford, and Chrysler all purposely raise the price of their cars in the states because the people have more money to spend and don’t mind being ripped off (or theyre too stupid to realize theyre being ripped off). There’s actually a group of lawyers who are filing a suit to fight this, but I haven’t heard anything else about it yet.

  3. hmmShe used to host the retarded Popular Mechanics for Kids with this really ugly annoying guy. Id always wake up hungover early Saturday morning & find it on & wonder why I was so attracted to a 15 year old at the time. I was obviously just ahead of my time, in a pedophilia sort of way.

  4. woop!!very damn nice.hey sharkey, if you have look in the pie forum theres a link somewhere with a whole butt-load of pics. its somewhere in there

  5. leafsFYI, the word \”Leafs\” in this sense is a proper noun, therefore the plural form is simply \”Leafs\”.

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