Fly The Friendlier Skies

Put your snacktrays in their full and upright positions, because Hooters Air is taking off. Chicken Wings or fish for dinner, sir? HA! It’s a veritable cornucopia of bad puns!

In a throwback to an era when airlines sought to titillate as well as transport their male clientele, Hooters Air joined the growing ranks of low-cost U.S. airlines on Thursday with the start of scheduled service between Atlanta and the resort town of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Its approach is decidedly less stuffy than the no-frills image of, say, JetBlue Airways Corp., the New York-based low-cost airline.

Hooters Air, whose owner Robert Brooks also is chairman of the Hooters of America restaurant chain famous for its spicy chicken wings and scantily clad waitresses, believes that droves of mostly male golfers and sportsmen will pay good money to rub shoulders with its beauties at 30,000 feet.

Let’s put aside the obvious flurry of bad jokes that need to be made at their expense and check out the official Hooters Air website for a peek at the “advantages” of flying with them.

1. Extra Leg Room! — I think they mean “third leg room”.
2. Easy to Buy! Easy to Fly! — Because at Hooters, everything is easy.
3. A great experience that enlivens the senses and puts the Fun back in flying! — By “fun”, they mean “funbags”

Alright alright, I think we’re heading into the double digits for bad puns here, so I’m going to leave the rest up to you. Let that creativity soar kids, because God knows you’re not going to be doing actual work at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I can hear the pre-flight speech now\”…In the event of a water landing, your stewardess’ huge breasts can be used as your personal floatation device…\”

  2. Oh yea…\”I expect Hooters Air to bounce along until they go bust,\” Harteveldt said.Nobody even blinked.

  3. at least one good thingThey do keep their prices the same no matter how late you book them, so at least they have that going for them. I also like boobs and chicken wings as well.

  4. hmmI thought most plane tickets got really cheap if you bought them really close to the flight. After all, they’re worried that no one will end up buying them, so they’re willing to get whatever money they can for them.

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