Slice Of The Day

Ask and ye shall receive. Some of you might disagree with having her as a slice, but dammit, there’s just something about Saturday Night Live’s Tina Fey that makes my pants tight. In a smart-yet-oddly-cute kinda way.

Tina Fey = Nerd Hotness Squared. Now I feel like a real geek.

You know she’s one of the head writers for SNL? Smart, probably fairly wealthy, funny, and pretty damned cute. Too bad she’s taken, some of our older MoFos could have used a wealthy fantasy. Maybe one of you could be her pool boy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. About Time…Damn she’s hot. About time she made it as a slice…although it doesn’t look like you got the best Tina Fey pictures, I’ll let it slide…this time. And once again…damn she’s hot.

  2. YumDamn she makes me want to scream, \”Ride the pony and win a vanilla shake baby!\”Great googly moogly she’s smokin

  3. Best Tina Fey PicsI searched for a long while. if you can find anything better I implore you to share.

  4. Slice NomineeI’m failing to what is so hot about this woman. Oh well. How ’bout some nice pics of Vida Guerra?She be bangin’, y0!

  5. Slice NomineeI’m failing to what is so hot about this woman. Oh well. How ’bout some nice pics of Vida Guerra?She be bangin’, y0!

  6. Speaking of slice..Speaking of slice, does anyone know where that scar on her face came from? I don’t remember it being there when she first got on tv.

  7. SchloggerIt looks kind of like a Schlogger(sp) scar, which is a German sport in which the participents fight with long knives at a range of about 1 foot, only attacking at the face.Obviously Tina Fey probably does not play Schlogger, but who knows?

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