That’s A Kick In The Balls, Ain’t It?

At first you think, “Ha, dumbass got what she deserved.” Instead, the dumb asshole who kept her around got what he deserved for letting the dumb bitch touch the phone. Let your guard down around the Devil and you get a fork in the ass, Cochise.

PALM SPRINGS, California (AP) — Police found more than 75 marijuana plants inside a house after a woman who lived there mistakenly called 911 instead of 411.

A man, who was not immediately identified, gave police a prescription for medical marijuana. However, the quantity of plants made police suspicious, so they began investigating the authenticity of the prescription, Rose said. The man was arrested for investigation of cultivation and possession of marijuana for sale.

The woman who misdialed was not arrested.

Woman wasn’t arrested. Of course, not, because stupidity is not a crime. …yet. But offshoots of stupidity, such as keeping nearly $100,000 worth of pot cultivating in your living room, is punishable by law. I say we call a spade a spade. That fella is probably going to spend some time in minimum security, then go into a drug treatment program, right? Why doesn’t the idiot who was probably too stoned to know the difference between a touchtone “4” and “9” have to go into a devoid-of-common-sense treatment center? It’d be like Betty Ford, but for ignorant clods. You get a few classes, some oven mitts duct taped to your hands so you can’t hurt yourself or others, and after a few months of rehabilitation you can try taking the mitts off and rejoining the rest of civilization. Just like regular rehab though, you can’t have relationships for at least a year. Don’t want you fuck-ups littering the Earth with your insipid offspring. Not that you could after leaving our center, you’ll have to get your monthly regiment of Malthion X to keep us all safe.

Really, if I were in charge you’d be a lot better off. Well really, I’d be better off, but you’d be OK too.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. well…I’d say he does at least a dime in state prison… as for drug treatment, not a chance. bout 10% of drug users in prison get any type of treatment in Cali. So long as he watches his ass in prison (pun intended) he’ll still be a happy lil’ stoner when he gets out. isn’t the legal system great?

  2. damn bitchSucks that he is in the US and not canada, would have gotten a year or so if he pleaded out and didn’t have priors. A 4 is not all that close to a 9, I wonder how stupid the bitch is

  3. the funny thing is…Cops are required to investigate all 911 hangups. They don’t want to tak the chance you only managed to dial the number before heading off to some grisly fate. So, I’ll bet if she had stayed on the line with the 911 operator and explained that she had made a mistake, the cops wouldn’t have shown up. I bet she heard, \”911 what is your emergency,\” freaked out, and ran to hide her head underneath a pillow. When they called back immediately (and they do), she probably let it ring.\”Shit for brains\” doesn’t even begin to approach the level of stupidity shown by this genius.

  4. beats the last time I heard of this…A prof (Ines Talamantez,who I know) in the religion department at UCSB was arrested along with her husband a few years back for having 57 huge pot bushes along the fence on her back patio. It was a riot. Apparently somebody called to tip her off that the cops were coming. All she did was move them away from the fence.I always wondered why she had a reputation for being a really spacey prof.

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