Wish You Were Drunk

Maybe if we watch long enough, we can catch Mers or Bis attempting to nab more boobie shots, or chicks holding the ol’ Fuk Chachi sign.

[ BourboCam ] :: [ Bourbon Street Live Cam ] :: [ Fat Harry’s Cam ]

That last one is sort of boring, unless you find watching drunks hail taxi’s interesting. The first two have definite boobie potential, so please watch responsibly. Of course, I could have said damn near anything at the end of that sentence, since at the first mention of titties, I’m certain that all literate readers immediately clicked the Hell out of here. That basically means that I’m typing to a strict audience of illiterates, non-English speakers, gay guys, and women with no homosexual tendencies. Since I’ve got you here, I’d just like to say that I’ve been practicing my golf swing, and it’s really been coming along. I think I’ll hit the links tomorrow and smoke a nice cigar to celebrate. I only say this to you poor bastards because the straight titty loving males and the bi-curious chicks are my bread and butter, and probably don’t give a shit about my swing. But since you’re still here and reading this drivel after I so pointedly objectified women and their bosoms, I figure you’ll stick around for damn near anything. God bless you.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. more likeWhere are the boobies? I don’t see any, and I don’t want to scroll through 3 days one minute at a time.

  2. raaaaight…hate to distract from this glamorous post about dissapointingly low potential booberism cams….but WHY in geebus’ name has noone posted about the VOODOO CURSE that cost michael jackson $150 000?? roflmao, VOODOO HEX ON YOU!!i’ll let the ‘real’ posters take care of the official stuffand u best… or im callin up my voodoo doctor

  3. potential my assi was watching the burbo cam on mardigras live streaming holy shit it was a boob fest!DAMN FLU KEPT ME OUT OF THE BARS MYSELFand probably from behind them too….

  4. jesus christhow long did you watch? all damn night? nothing personal man, but that’s sad. get a chick and have your own mardi gras.

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